Kyrgyzstan – Christians Fined for conducting “Missionary Activities”

On 26th March this year, the St. Nicholas Catholic Church in Talas was raided by the authorities. During the raid, the congregants were not allowed to leave the building until two nuns signed a confession stating that they were “spreading their ideology” and is therefore guilty of “illegal missionary activities”. The two nuns each received a fine equivalent to an average of two weeks’ wages.

Around the same time, a Protestant church was raided and two believers, who were foreigners, were issued fines.

The Catholic Church’s appeal against the sentence was unsuccessful. And the church has been warned that any further “violations” could result in the liquidation of the organisation’s administration.

Pray that the opposition against both churches will cease and believers can continue to worship God and practice their faith. Pray that church leaders will seek the Lord and receive wisdom and guidance to handle such situations. Pray that God will provide the funds needed to pay the fines levied against these four believers.


(Source & Photo: VOMC)

#Persecuted Church

Pakistan – Church Attacked During Prayer Service

On 3rd August, a group of angry men from the neighbourhood rudely interrupted a prayer service at the Lala Zarr Church in Peshawar.

The men demanded the volume of the sound system to be reduced. Shortly afterwards, several other armed men stormed into the church building and fired several shots inside the building.

Fortunately, no one was hurt but the building was damaged. The church was then vandalized and Pastor Zulfiqar was dragged outside and assaulted with the butt of their guns. Pastor Zulfiqar suffered injuries to his head and one of his eyes.

Pray for divine protection for congregants of Lala Zarr Church and their family members. Pray that God will supply the resources and materials needed to repair and replace damaged items in the church. Pray that those responsible for the attack will come to faith in Christ.


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

#Persecuted Church

China – Church Leaders’ Trial Set For 21st August

Twelve church leaders from the Golden Lampstand Church in Linfen, Shanxi, including Pastor Wang Xiaoguang and his wife, Yang Rongli, were arrested in August 2021. They were accused of fraud because the church collected money in the form of tithes and offerings.

Church members were coerced to turn against the pastor and his wife in exchange for being released on bail. Some of the members refused whilst others agreed but later refused. A few succumbed to the mounting pressure and chose to cooperate with the authorities.

Those who were released on bail will be represented by lawyers appointed by the government whilst those who refused to cooperate have remained in prison for the past two years awaiting trial.

A hearing for this case has been scheduled on 21 August.

Prior to this situation, Pastor Wang and Yang were previously arrested and imprisoned for four  and seven years respectively. They were accused of “gathering a mob to disturb public order” when in actual fact they were just organizing a prayer rally.

Pray for a favourable outcome for these imprisoned believers in the upcoming trial. Pray that God will strengthen and comfort them during this difficult time. Pray that they will sense the Lord’s presence and His shalom peace enveloping and protecting them. Pray also that church members will remain firm in their faith.


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

#Persecuted Church

Iran – Imprisoned Christian Grieves Over Loss of Son

Yasser was arrested in 2019 and sentenced in October 2020 to 10 years imprisonment for allegedly “acting against national security” by “forming an illegal evangelical Christian group”.

While Yasser was in prison, his 18-year-old son, Amir, who suffers from cerebral palsy, was sent to a care facility in Tehran and subsequently passed away in December 2021 due to health complications. Yasser was permitted to visit his son two months before he died but was not allowed to attend the burial.

After serving 3 years in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison, Yasser is still grieving the loss of his beloved son.

On many occasions, Yasser has wondered whether this faith of his is worth enduring such pressures. And each time, when these thoughts come, he ponders on his relationship with God and is reassured that it is worth it.

Pray that God will comfort Yasser and strengthen him physically, emotionally and spiritually. Pray that he will be released early. Pray that God will continue to work mightily throughout Iran by leading many to faith in Christ.


(Source & Photo: VOMC)

#Persecuted Church

Bangladesh – Woman Finds Freedom After Traumatic Attack

Raissa was a teen when she was kidnapped and raped by a group of thugs who wanted to punish her father, a Christian pastor.

For many years after the attack, Raissa felt trapped in her own home because each time she went out of her home, she would be taunted, threatened and re-traumatised by her attackers who were not punished for their crime.

Upon her request, front-line workers helped to relocate Raissa to a larger city, secure an apartment for her and help her begin her studies.

They also connected her to a ministry, that helps women who were victims of human-trafficking, where she works part-time as an administrative staff while receiving therapy and support to aid her own healing.

The Voice of the Martyrs also helped her family drill a well and build a fence around their home.

Pray that Raissa and her family will find complete healing and restoration in Christ.


(Source & Photo : VOM)

#Persecuted Church

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