Monthly archive for April 2022

Iran – Pray for Christian Woman Facing Two-Year Sentence

In July 2021, Fariba and 5 other Christian converts were arrested and later released on bail while awaiting trial. Then in December 2021, Fariba was convicted and sentenced to 5 years in prison for “acting against national security by establishing and leading an evangelical Christian church”. Soroush, Fariba’s husband, and 3 others were sentenced to 10 months in prison for their membership with the church.

Fariba’s sentence was later reduced to 2 years and the others were released with a fine because they had already served their prison time by then. On 16th April 2022, Fariba began her 2-year prison sentence in Tehran’s Evin Prison which is notorious for the mistreatment of inmates.

Pray that God will protect and watch over Fariba during her imprisonment, and may she find favour with her fellow inmates and the prison guards. Pray that she will be encouraged and assured of  the Lord’s abiding presence with her everyday such that she will not lose hope but will grow stronger in her faith.

Pray also for Soroush during this difficult time of separation for the newly-wed couple. And pray for other imprisoned Iranian Christians, that they will remain strong in their faith.


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

#Persecuted Church

Pakistan – Two Relatives Slain During Attack on Pastor Adam’s Family

Pastor Adam faced repeated death threats because of his ministry work amongst new converts. He shares a home with many members of his extended family. On the night of 11th April 2022, perpetrators broke into Pastor Adam’s home and entered the first bedroom they came across. There they murdered Pastor Adam’s sister and her husband before fleeing from the home.

Because of the vicious attack, the rest of Pastor Adam’s family have had to flee to another city for protection. They did not consider it safe to even return to retrieve their belongings or bury the bodies of their deceased loved ones.

Pray that God will protect and provide for Pastor Adam and his family as they left all their belongings behind. Pray that God will renew their strength and give them peace. And may they find a suitable and permanent place to stay.

Pray that God will bless Pastor Adam’s ministry – that it will be fruitful and lead many to turn to Christ.


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

#Persecuted Church

Vietnam – Officials Interrupt Worship Service

On 20th February, two officials entered a Catholic Church in Vu Ban and interrupted the Sunday Mass celebration. The officials demanded that everyone in the church disperse immediately or else “appropriate measures” would be taken against them.

Despite the disruption, the congregants continued to sing hymns while some of the priests and lay church leaders managed to persuade the officials to leave so that the service could conclude properly. The reasons for the disruption were unknown. While the nation’s citizens are legally allowed to practice their religion, persecution remains prevalent, particularly for unregistered groups.

Pray that there will be greater tolerance and respect for religious freedom in Vietnam. Pray that the Lord will strengthen Christians throughout Vietnam such that they will boldly practice their faith and continue to share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus. Pray that God will give them the wisdom needed to deal with situations where they are questioned or harassed because of their faith.


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

Indonesia – Family’s Home Burned Down by Villagers

When a woman died unexpectedly, her two sons consulted a witchdoctor to find out why she died. The witchdoctor told her sons that Christians were responsible for her death as they had a magic object which gave them power.

Gabriel and Noni were the only Christians in the village. So, the woman’s two sons visited Gabriel and Noni’s house in the middle of the night in an attempt to find the magic object the witchdoctor spoke about. The two men tried to break into the house. As a result, one of Gabriel and Noni’s sons was hit in the head and had to be taken to hospital. Gabriel and their other children were forced to flee to the police station for their safety. The two men subsequently burned down Gabriel and Noni’s house.

Pray that Gabriel, Noni and their children will be healed from the traumatic experience of being attacked and having their house and belongings burned down. Pray that they will not fear but their faith will grow stronger as they experience the Lord’s divine provision and protection during this time.

Pray that God will provide the funds, resources and emotional support needed for Gabriel and Noni to find a home and rebuild their lives in a new village.


(Source & Photo : VOM)

#Persecuted Church

Pakistan – Pray for sisters, Mariam and Sarah

In 2020, two sisters, Mariam, 18, and Sarah, 16, were threatened and beaten after sharing the gospel with a co-worker. The co-worker responded eagerly to the gospel but other co-workers complained about the sisters to their manager. The manager warned them against sharing their faith and together with some other men, they demanded the girls renounce their faith. When the girls refused, one of the men beat up Mariam and then locked up the girls.

Fortunately, the sisters managed to escape and hitchhiked home. However, since then Mariam has suffered poor health and the family struggled financially because of the loss of income.

Pray that Mariam and Sarah will be able to find work elsewhere and the family’s needs will be provided for. Pray that God will anoint and empower them such that whenever they share the gospel, many will believe in the Lord.

Pray that the co-worker who responded to the gospel message will receive salvation and grow in faith.


(Source & Photo : VOM)

#Persecuted Church

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