Pakistan – Church Attacked During Prayer Service

On 3rd August, a group of angry men from the neighbourhood rudely interrupted a prayer service at the Lala Zarr Church in Peshawar.

The men demanded the volume of the sound system to be reduced. Shortly afterwards, several other armed men stormed into the church building and fired several shots inside the building.

Fortunately, no one was hurt but the building was damaged. The church was then vandalized and Pastor Zulfiqar was dragged outside and assaulted with the butt of their guns. Pastor Zulfiqar suffered injuries to his head and one of his eyes.

Pray for divine protection for congregants of Lala Zarr Church and their family members. Pray that God will supply the resources and materials needed to repair and replace damaged items in the church. Pray that those responsible for the attack will come to faith in Christ.


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

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