Monthly archive for May 2022

China – Christian Wedding Disrupted by Authorities

The wedding ceremony of Zhang and Xiao, members of the Early Rain Covenant Church, was scheduled on 21st May. But before the wedding took place, church members were detained and questioned regarding their plans to attend the event. Church leaders were detained in their own homes which prevented them from attending the wedding.  And the hotel the couple had booked to host the reception were forced to cancel their reservation.

The day before the wedding, the couple themselves were detained and interrogated by the authorities for four hours. Even after their release, Zhang said he was under continual surveillance. Ultimately, the couple was forced to cancel the event.

Pray that this couple will find encouragement, comfort and strength to recover from the disappointment and heartache of their cancelled wedding plans. Pray that they will be granted another  opportunity to joyously share their wedding celebration among fellow church members sometime in the near future.

Pray that the Lord will give this couple and other members of Early Rain Covenant Church the wisdom, guidance and discernment needed to overcome the challenges they are facing because of their faith in Christ.


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

#Persecuted Church

Nepal – Pray for Sumi Who Was Abused by her Father and Forced to Leave Home for Following Jesus

After Sumi received salvation in Christ, she was given a copy of the New Testament. When her father found out about her conversion, he shouted at her and threatened her with a knife. He told her to leave her Christian faith or leave his house.

When Sumi left the house, her father burned her clothes, Bible and other Christian literature he found. She stayed at the church for 15 days before returning home. But the emotional abuse and persecution from her father and other villagers continued, such that Sumi could not complete her high school education and struggled to find quality work. Today, 21-year-old Sumi works odd jobs in Kathmandu and attends church in a nearby city.

Pray that God will fill Sumi with His shalom peace. Pray that the joy of the Lord will be her strength that will help her overcome every challenge in life. Pray that she will be able to make peace with her father and other family members and they will also come to believe in the Lord.


(Source & Photo : VOM)

#Persecuted Church

Iran – Pray for Sister F as She Begins Her Two-Year Prison Sentence

Sister F is a long-time Christian leader in Iran.

Last year, the authorities raided one of her discipleship groups. Sister F was beaten, tortured and placed in solitary confinement. She was then sentenced to a two-year prison term because of her faith in Christ. In the days before her prison sentence would begin, front-line workers met with Sister F online to encourage her and equip her with ministry tools to share the gospel while in prison.

Pray that God will strengthen and rejuvenate Sister F’s spirit with His Word. May she experience peace and hope in Christ as she serves her prison term. Pray that many will believe in Christ and receive salvation through her faithful witness.


(Source & Photo : VOM)

#Persecuted Church

Laos – Relatives Withdraw Support for Christian Grandmother and Niece

Gate has been living with 15-year-old granddaughter, Noi, since one of her daughters died. And Gate’s other daughter and her husband have been providing Gate and Noi with food and necessities.

On 15th May 2021, an evangelist visited Gate and Noi at home, and both put their trust in Christ. When Gate’s daughter and son-in-law learned of their conversions, they scolded Gate and told her to renounce her new-found faith. Gate said she couldn’t because she finally knew the true God. Eventually, Gate’s daughter and son-in-law stopped giving her food and told her to take care of herself. Gate is elderly, ill and unable to work. So now, young Noi had to work to provide for both of them.

Pray that God will provide for their every need and heal Gate from her ailments. Pray that Gate’s daughter and son-in-law will know the true God for themselves.


(Source & photo : VOM)

#Persecuted Church

Standing with Our Brothers and Sisters in Ukraine

This is a short video, prepared by Ilpo and his wife Hanna from VOM Finland, about Voice of the Martyr Poland’s work among the Ukranian refugees.

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