Monthly archive for September 2022

Pakistan – Parents’ Appeal for Custody Denied

When Imran, his wife and children were going through a financial crisis in April this year, a Christian family in Rawalpindi kindly allowed them to stay in their home. They were only asked to leave when the Christian family witnessed how Imran ill-treated his wife, Adiba.

Shortly after they left, Adiba visited the Christian family and asked their 13-year-old daughter, Zarvia, to accompany her to the market. That evening Zarvia did not return home. She was abducted, forced to renounce her Christian faith and forcibly married to Imran who was already married with 3 children.

A police report was filed and both Imran and Adiba were arrested. During their trial, Zarvia was ordered to say that she had voluntarily renounced her Christian faith and willingly married Imran otherwise her brothers would be killed. Although there was evidence of these threats in the form of a recorded phone call, the court rejected the parents’ plea and granted custody to Imran.

Four months after the abduction, Zarvia’s parents continue to seek justice.

Please uphold Zarvia and her family in your prayers. Pray that God will strengthen and minister peace and comfort to them as they seek legal redress against the injustice done to them.

Pray that her family will receive wisdom, guidance, support and the necessary legal assistance they need in their daughter’s case. Pray that Zarvia will be rescued soon and reunited with her family.”


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

#Persecuted Church

Nepal – No Longer Alone

Amar was the only Christian in his village in Nepal. Even though his family does not accept his Christian faith and he had been rejected by the community he lives in, he remains faithful and bold in his witness.

“If I don’t share the gospel with my villagers, I will always be alone,” he said. “I am continuously sharing the gospel to other villagers so that when people come to know the Lord Jesus, I will have Christian company.”

His prayers have been answered. Four people in his village have to faith this year through his witness. Amar has asked for prayer for these new believers and for his wife who is struggling under spiritual oppression and attack.

Pray that these new believers will grow in their faith, spiritual maturity and knowledge of God as they listen to the audio Bibles they received. Pray that they will boldly share the gospel with others and many other villagers will receive salvation.

Pray for protection for Amal and his family, especially for his wife. Pray that she will find healing, deliverance and relief from the Lord.


(Source & Photo : VOM)
#Persecuted Church

India – Pray for Sita and Her Children Aged 8 and 10

Pastor Biman preached the gospel in five villages near his home. He intended to plant churches. In one village, he tutored children, from poor families, in their studies. And he hoped to lead their parents to Christ.

In February 2022, while ministering to these children, a group of men, opposed to the gospel, surrounded and attacked Pastor Biman. Soon, others in the village joined in the attack and beat the pastor mercilessly until he was badly bruised.

Pastor Biman managed to make his way home after the vicious attack but he experienced severe pain. He died from his injuries the next day. Pastor Biman is survived by his wife, Sita, and their two children aged 8 and 10.

Pray for Sita and their two young children – that they will find comfort from the Lord and emotional support from the church as they grieve for the loss of their beloved husband, father and pastor. Pray that God will strengthen them and provide for their every need. Pray that whatever the children have lost, through the death of their father, God will provide through the Body of Christ.

Pray that God will increase and multiply all the good works that Pastor Biman has done in the name of Jesus. Pray that those who were taught or discipled or blessed by Pastor Biman will grow in faith and spiritual stature, such that they will in turn disciple others and lead others to Christ.


(Source : VOM, Photo : Internet)

#Persecuted Church

Pakistan – Christian Mother Forced To Live In A Shelter

A Christian woman, Naseem, and her five children, aged between 8 to 22, have been forced into hiding after receiving death threats demanding that she renounce her Christian faith.

To entice the family to renounce their Christian faith, a group of villagers ,who are opposed to the gospel, offered to give Naseem’s husband a house and also promised to pay for the wedding expenses for 4 of their children. Naseem’s husband, who is prepared to accept the villagers’ offer, also started pressurizing her to leave her Christian faith.

Despite these threats, Naseem refused to abandon her faith. She said, “I was born a Christian and will remain a Christian until my last breath,” “And I will make my children stronger Christians and ensure that they marry Christian partners.”

A local church provided Naseem and her children temporary shelter. As a result, the pastor of this church was questioned by those searching for the threatened Christian woman.

Pray for divine protection over Nasssem, her five children, and those who are providing them a place of shelter. Pray that this family will receive the financial, emotional and spiritual support they need during this time of need.

Pray that Naseem’s children will receive the spiritual nurturing they need and raised in the ways of the Lord.

Pray that those who are seeking to harm Naseem will come to see the truth of the Gospel and be willing to turn to faith in Christ.


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

#Persecuted Church

Nepal – Villagers Did Not Allow Burial For Christian

Pastor Krishna’s mother, who was a believer, passed away in their home village in July this year. As there was no designated burial site for Christians in the village, Pastor Krishna decided to bury his mother on his own land. However, his neighbours opposed this and insisted that the body be cremated according to the religious customs of the village.

Pastor Krishna was able to persuade the local government chairman to accommodate them and assign land for Christian burials near the village. But villagers resisted and pressured Pastor Krishna’s brother, who is not a Christian, to dig up the body and submit to the village’s rituals. This was a great discouragement to Pastor Krishna.

Pray that Pastor Krishna will find peace and comfort in the Lord during this time and he will not be discouraged. Pray that God will bless him and his ministry such that many who hear the gospel will believe in the Lord and receive salvation.


(Source – VOM  & Photo – Internet)

#Persecuted Church

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