Monthly archive for March 2021

India – Pray for Pastor Vasunia

Worship services at 2 churches were recently disrupted by armed thugs who beat up congregation members and pressured local authorities to arrest more than 20 Christians for alleged forced conversions.

Pastor Malsingh Meda together with 21 members of his church, and Pastor Dilipsingh Vasunia who leads a church in another village were arrested. Pastor Meda was later released but Pastor Vasunia was charged with forced conversion under the new anti-conversion law.

Pray that all charges against Pastor Vasunia would be dropped and he will be free to continue his ministry to the church. Pray that his accusers will encounter the Lord’s goodness and mercy, turn away from violence and receive salvation in Christ.

Pray that God will strengthen and uphold our brothers and sisters in Christ in India who courageously continue to meet and worship together despite the threat from thugs opposed to the gospel.


(Source & Photo Credit : RI)

#persecuted church

Indonesia – Pray for The Wounded in Suicide Bomb Attack outside a Catholic Church

On 28th March, suicide bombers detonated a bomb outside the Makassar Cathedral Church compound while a Palm Sunday Mass was being conducted at the time.

The explosion killed 2 suspected bombers and injured around 20 people, some critically, including church staff and members of the congregation.

Pray for physical and emotional healing for all those who were injured in the horrific attack. Pray for peace and calm to be restored in the region.


(Source : ICC, CNA, Photo Credit : Internet)

#persecuted church

Praise God that 16-year old Nabeel Masih has been Released on Bail

16-year old Nabil, a Christian was convicted of insulting another faith in 2018 because he liked and shared a picture, deemed insulting, on Facebook. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Nabeel’s lawyer successfully argued that there was no evidence indicating that Nabeel was responsible for the Facebook post. Nabeel was subsequently released on bail pending completion of the paperwork to acquit him.

We praise God that Nabeel has been released on bail.

Pray that he will be acquitted of all charges soon. Pray for divine protection over young Nabeel and his family from any violent repercussions or persecution from his accusers and those opposed to the gospel.

Pray that all plans to harm Nabeel and his family will be thwarted.


(Source : VOMC, Photo Credit : Pixabay)

#persecuted church

North Korea – Pray for Ongoing Audio Bible Distribution

Many of the North Koreans working in China who received audio Bibles from Voice of the Martyrs were thankful to be able to listen to the Word of God and learned that the God who created this world is alive and protecting them.

Pray that each North Korean who received an audio Bible will believe in God and grow in their faith. Pray that God will open up their understanding of the Scriptures and they will personally experience God’s goodness, mercy and grace.

Pray that God will watch over the entire distribution process and protect all those involved. Pray that God will continue to provide the necessary finances and volunteers to sustain this ministry to the North Koreans.


(Source & Photo Credit : VOM)

#persecuted church

Laos – Family Fined for Hosting Worship Gatherings

See was fined $500 for hosting worship gatherings in his family’s home because village leaders claim that such gatherings went against the village’s rules and spirits. Village leaders also seized official documents belonging to See which state that See is part of the village.

Although See was also told, “If you do not pay, then stop your faith!”, he did not comply. He continued to gather with others in his home to worship God.

Pray that village leaders will return to See’s family the official documents which were seized earlier. Pray that See’s bold faith will lead many others to Christ and their church will continue to grow and flourish despite the persecution.


(Source & Photo Credit : VOM)

#persecuted church

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