Monthly archive for January 2021

Vietnamese Christian Imprisoned for 2½ years on False Charges Finally Released

Shortly after Sung A Khua and his family became Christians in 2018, they experienced persecution from fellow villagers who tried to prevent him and his family from attending church. When Sung and his family did not accede to the villagers’ demand to renounce their Christian faith, the villagers later destroyed his home and confiscated his properties.

Sung and his family had to live in the forest temporarily. He was caught and charged for illegally logging and destroying the forest because he needed wood to repair his house. After serving a 2½ years sentence, Sung has since been released.

Pray for Sung and his family as they face other challenges after his release from prison. Pray that they will continue to trust the Lord with their future as the Lord has never forsaken those who seek Him (Psalm 9:10).


(Source : ICC, Photo Credit : Internet)

#persecuted church

Thank you for praying for Pastor An Yankui

An Yankui, the pastor of Xuncheng Reformed Church in Taiyuan, China, was taken into custody on 30th December 2020 whilst hosting a Bible study in his home. Pastor An was sentenced to 15 days in prison.

We thank and praise God that Pastor was released on 16th January this year to the joy of his family and Xuncheng Reformed church members.

Pray that the Lord, who preserves all who love Him (Psalm 145:20) will watch over and protect Pastor An, his family and fellow church members in the days to come as they continue to follow Christ and practise their faith.

Pray that the church will be able to resume worship services and conduct Bible studies.


(Source & Photo Credit : VOMC)

#persecuted church”

Laos – Pray For Those Who are Not Allowed To Follow Christ

Wat and his wife wanted to accept Christ after hearing the gospel message. As advised, they asked their village head for permission. The village head did not give it.

The couple accepted Christ anyway. When the village head found out, he told them “If you do not listen, I will put cuffs on both of you and throw you in prison!”.

The couple said, “How can we stop? We promised the Lord that we will not throw our faith away. Whatever circumstances come, we will not stop.”

We praise God that Wat and his wife had the courage to stand firm in their faith.

Pray for others in Laos who want to become Christians but are afraid to do so because of opposition from their village head.


(Source & Photo Credit : VOM)

#persecuted church

Christians Worship Right Next Door to a Man Who Opposes Them

Two families in a Khmu village in Laos received salvation in Christ. One of the Christian families live next door to a high-ranking soldier who happens to despise Christians and who regularly harasses and threatens them, saying it is against the law to convert to Christianity.

Pray that these new believers will stand firm in their faith and not succumb to any form of harassment or intimidation. Pray that they will continue to grow in maturity in the fullness of Christ and their living testimonies will draw many other villagers into the saving knowledge of God.

Pray that this neighbour who despises Christians will himself have a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus and receive salvation.   


(Source & Photo Credit : VOM)

#persecuted church

Our Brethren in China Need our Prayers as Persecution Continues

Would you spend a few minutes every day to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ in China who are now suffering intense persecution for following Jesus.

On 30th December 2020, a Bible study conducted in the home of Pastor An Yankui of Xuncheng Reformed Church in Taiyuan was interrupted by 3 dozen men who barged in without warning.  Pastor An’s home was searched.  Choir robes, hymnals and Christian books were confiscated.

Pastor An and 5 Christian women were taken into custody. Three women were later released by Pastor An was sentenced to 15 days in jail. This is not the first time the Xuncheng Reformed Church has faced opposition.

Pray for the safety of Pastor An and members of Xuncheng Reformed Church. Pray that they will not be disheartened by the repeated harassments. Pray that they will remain firm in their faith and the  testimonies of God’s love and grace in their lives will draw others to the Lord.

Pray for many other Christians who are presently serving time in Chinese prisons. Pray that they will find strength and hope in the Lord always in every circumstance. Pray for their release.


(Source & Photo Credit : VOMC)

#persecuted church

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