China – Church Leaders’ Trial Set For 21st August

Twelve church leaders from the Golden Lampstand Church in Linfen, Shanxi, including Pastor Wang Xiaoguang and his wife, Yang Rongli, were arrested in August 2021. They were accused of fraud because the church collected money in the form of tithes and offerings.

Church members were coerced to turn against the pastor and his wife in exchange for being released on bail. Some of the members refused whilst others agreed but later refused. A few succumbed to the mounting pressure and chose to cooperate with the authorities.

Those who were released on bail will be represented by lawyers appointed by the government whilst those who refused to cooperate have remained in prison for the past two years awaiting trial.

A hearing for this case has been scheduled on 21 August.

Prior to this situation, Pastor Wang and Yang were previously arrested and imprisoned for four  and seven years respectively. They were accused of “gathering a mob to disturb public order” when in actual fact they were just organizing a prayer rally.

Pray for a favourable outcome for these imprisoned believers in the upcoming trial. Pray that God will strengthen and comfort them during this difficult time. Pray that they will sense the Lord’s presence and His shalom peace enveloping and protecting them. Pray also that church members will remain firm in their faith.


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

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