China – Imprisoned Church Elder Hospitalised

In March 2021, the Ren’ai reformed Church was raided by the authorities. Elder Zhang Chunlei and several other members of the church were arrested.

Click here for more details :, and

Elder Zhang’s trial was held in November 2022 but his family received no news of the verdict or outcome of the hearing. In spite of this, his lawyers reported that Elder Zhang remains optimistic and in good spirits.

Whilst in prison however, Elder Zhang suffered a bout of Cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), resulting in severe pain. He was sent to Sanjiang hospital for treatment in early August but no update was provided to his family about his condition and current health or well-being in prison.

Pray for divine healing for Elder Zhang. Pray for his physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Pray that he will be an effective witness for Christ in prison and many, inmates and prison guards, will believe in the Lord and receive salvation. Pray for his release soon. Pray that his family will find peace and comfort from the Lord during this challenging time.


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

#Persecuted Church

China – Pray for Pastor Ru

Pastor Ru, originally from a rural area in Anhui Province, came to faith in Christ at an early age through the Christian witness of his parents.

He studied theology and graduated from seminary in 2007. Through his ministry over the years, the Chengxi Christian Church has grown to a membership of about 400 believers.

In May 2015, Pastor Ru was injured when he tried to stop urban management officials from entering the community and destroying the church’s building. He was strangled and badly beaten resulting in permanent kidney damage. As a result, he requires kidney dialysis.

On 30th July, Pastor Ru was handcuffed to his hospital bed during dialysis and detained in hospital for 5 hours before being released. The reasons for his detention are unclear.

Pray for Pastor Ru. Pray that he will find strength, comfort and peace in the Lord in the midst of ongoing challenges. Pray that he will be a gifted and effective witness for Christ wherever he goes. Pray that they work of the church will continue to thrive in spite of the restrictions and opposition.


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

#Persecuted Church

Pakistan – Mass Violence Causing Damage to Church Buildings and Homes

An angry mob stormed a Christian colony in the town of Jaranwala in the Faisalabad district of Punjab on 16th August 2023.

The mob damaged and destroyed about 26 churches and as many as 400 homes during the rampage. This incident was triggered by allegations that two Christian brothers had desecrated a holy book when they had been burning waste paper. The brothers have been detained and charged.

Pray for the safety of the two brothers, their families and the Christians living in the area. Pray that justice will prevail and the brothers will be found innocent. Pray for peace to be restored.

Pray that for divine provision of the daily needs of victims and funds to rebuild homes and churches destroyed in the attack.


(Source : VOMC, Photo : Internet)

#Persecuted Church

Bhutan – Bible for New Believer Transforms Family

Twenty-seven year old Pema Ongmo was raised in an animist family. She had never heard about Christ until a friend shared the gospel with her and invited her to church.

Even though her father, a village leader, forbade her to read the Bible a pastor had given to her, she read it secretly and began to follow Christ.

When Pema’s mother became ill and did not recover despite her father spending all the family’s resources looking for a cure, Pema told her father that the Jesus she read about in the Bible healed many people. Her father agreed to let his wife go to church where she was healed and the whole family eventually placed their trust in Christ.

“Thank you for the wonderful Bible you freely gave us,” Pema said. “I thank you and the Lord to bless you richly!”

Pray that Pema and her family will continue to grow in their faith and maturity in Christ. Pray that they will be His witnesses and many of their friends and neighbours will believe in the Lord and follow Him.


(Source & Photo : VOM)

#Persecuted Church

Indonesia – Access to Church Building Blocked

Gaining permission to build a church building in Indonesia has proven onerous for many followers of Jesus. However, the Indonesian Pentecostal Church in Sungai Barar, located on the island of Sumatra, had successfully obtained such approval.

But after the church completed the construction of the new building, with all necessary permits, the congregation now face a new challenge. Surrounding landowners and local community members have built a wall across the road that blocked the only passable road to the building. This prevented the congregants from gathering in the church.

Alternate roads were impassable due to large holes and other obstructions. The church is imploring the local government to help the congregation resolve the issue.

Pray that the authorities will be open and willing to assist this congregation in finding an amicable resolution to the dispute relating to the wall built by opposing neighbours. Pray that this challenging situation will serve as an opportunity for church members to demonstrate the love, grace and peace of God to their opposers. And as a result, many people, including those who are opposing the church, will believe in the Lord and receive salvation.
(Source & Photo : VOMC)

#Persecuted Church

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