Twenty-seven year old Pema Ongmo was raised in an animist family. She had never heard about Christ until a friend shared the gospel with her and invited her to church.
Even though her father, a village leader, forbade her to read the Bible a pastor had given to her, she read it secretly and began to follow Christ.
When Pema’s mother became ill and did not recover despite her father spending all the family’s resources looking for a cure, Pema told her father that the Jesus she read about in the Bible healed many people. Her father agreed to let his wife go to church where she was healed and the whole family eventually placed their trust in Christ.
“Thank you for the wonderful Bible you freely gave us,” Pema said. “I thank you and the Lord to bless you richly!”
Pray that Pema and her family will continue to grow in their faith and maturity in Christ. Pray that they will be His witnesses and many of their friends and neighbours will believe in the Lord and follow Him.
(Source & Photo : VOM)
#Persecuted Church