India – Pray for Pastor Vasunia

Worship services at 2 churches were recently disrupted by armed thugs who beat up congregation members and pressured local authorities to arrest more than 20 Christians for alleged forced conversions.

Pastor Malsingh Meda together with 21 members of his church, and Pastor Dilipsingh Vasunia who leads a church in another village were arrested. Pastor Meda was later released but Pastor Vasunia was charged with forced conversion under the new anti-conversion law.

Pray that all charges against Pastor Vasunia would be dropped and he will be free to continue his ministry to the church. Pray that his accusers will encounter the Lord’s goodness and mercy, turn away from violence and receive salvation in Christ.

Pray that God will strengthen and uphold our brothers and sisters in Christ in India who courageously continue to meet and worship together despite the threat from thugs opposed to the gospel.


(Source & Photo Credit : RI)

#persecuted church

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