Praise God that 16-year old Nabeel Masih has been Released on Bail

16-year old Nabil, a Christian was convicted of insulting another faith in 2018 because he liked and shared a picture, deemed insulting, on Facebook. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Nabeel’s lawyer successfully argued that there was no evidence indicating that Nabeel was responsible for the Facebook post. Nabeel was subsequently released on bail pending completion of the paperwork to acquit him.

We praise God that Nabeel has been released on bail.

Pray that he will be acquitted of all charges soon. Pray for divine protection over young Nabeel and his family from any violent repercussions or persecution from his accusers and those opposed to the gospel.

Pray that all plans to harm Nabeel and his family will be thwarted.


(Source : VOMC, Photo Credit : Pixabay)

#persecuted church

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