Monthly archive for March 2021

Pray for Christians in Mindanao who are Facing Persecution

Several new Christians on the island of Mindanao, the 2nd largest island in the southern part of Philippines, have been enduring various forms of persecution. Non-believers in their village are angry that Christians are gathering regularly with other believers.

Christians, being a minority in Mindanao, are often threatened with harm and many have been killed because of their faith.

Pray that these Christians will continue to grow in their faith and shine for Jesus in their village. Pray that God will strengthen them and give them courage and wisdom to navigate the challenges they are facing.

Pray that those who are persecuting them will see Christ in the lives of these Christians, hear the gospel and be moved to give their lives to Jesus.


(Source & Photo Credit : VOM)

#persecuted church

Pray for the Church in Bangladesh

A church under construction in the Chittagong Hill Tracts was recently demolished because officials from the Forest Department claim that the church is being built in a forest reserve. However, the original church structure, which was built of bamboo and straw, was in existence on the same piece of land for many years without any complaints made against it.

Pray for these Christians who just lost their place of worship. Pray that they will find an alternative place of worship and they will be compensated for the loss of the church building.

Pray that Christians in Bangladesh will be able to practice their faith in peace.  


(Source : ICC, Photo Credit : Internet)

#persecuted church

Remember Salamat Mansha and Haroon Ayub In Your Prayers

On 13th February, two Christian friends, Salamat Mansha Masih and Haroon Ayub Masih, were reading the Bible aloud in a public park in Lahore, Pakistan, when they were confronted by Haroon Ahmad and his friends and told to stop what they were doing. Haroon Ayub and Salamat then offered Haroon Ahmad and his friends a Christian book titled, Water of Life.

Both Haroon Ayub and Salamat are accused of dishonouring and insulting another faith. Salamat was arrested but Haroon Ayub and his family escaped and have gone into hiding.

Pray for Salamat Mansha and Haroon Ayub’s safety and protection as well that of their families. Pray that God will endow them and their lawyers and the courts with wisdom to deal with the false charges.

Pray that the Scriptures they read aloud at the park and the Christian book they distributed will speak to the hearts of those with whom they had the opportunity to share the Gospel – including Haroon Ahmad and his friends – drawing each of them to faith in Christ.

Isaiah 55:11 ~  So will My word be which goes out of My mouth. It will not return to Me empty without accomplishing what I desire and without succeeding in the purpose for which I sent it.


(Source & Photo Credit : VOMC)

#persecuted church

Pakistan – 12-Year Old Kidnap Victim Returns to Her Family

12-year old, Farah Shaheen, was kidnapped, forced to renounce her Christian faith and marry her kidnapper, Khizar. Five months after she was kidnapped, Farah was found in December 2020 chained in the home of her kidnapper. The marks on her ankles show that she was probably chained for most of her time in captivity.

In a court ruling on 16th February, custody was given to her father, Asif Masih. The court also ruled that the marriage was not legal and Farah has since been returned to her family.

Pray for Farah’s emotional healing, as well as that of her family. Pray that God’s loving presence will fill their hearts with an overwhelming sense of peace, comfort and even joy as they recover from the traumatic event.

Pray for Farah’s continued safety as the kidnapper has not been formally charged for his crimes and has been released on bail.


(Source & Photo Credit : VOMC)

#persecuted church

China – Pastor Huang Yizi Requests for Prayer

Pastor Huang was imprisoned twice before, including a 5-month term in a “black jail” where he was housed in undisclosed location and denied any visitation from family, friends or legal representation.

Pastor Huang requests for prayer because he is continually being monitored and randomly summoned for interrogation. Despite the harassment and uncertainty, pastor Huang continued to preach online. However, internet monitors have recently shut down his livestream sermons.

Pray for protection for Pastor Huang and his family and members of his church. Pray that they will continue to draw strength from the Lord to endure the challenges and persevere in their faith. Pray for an anointing of wisdom and discernment as they navigate these challenges.  

Pray that there will be other ways and means for the gospel message to reach those in need of God’s eternal salvation.   


(Source & Photo Credit : VOMC)

#persecuted church

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