Monthly archive for May 2021

Laos – Detained Pastor Confirmed Alive and Released

In March 2020, Pastor Sithong was arrested for refusing to stop conducting worship services in a small church in Savannakhet Province in Laos. Since his detainment, there had been no news of his condition or whereabouts. Read more about this case here :

More than a year after his arrest and detention, Pastor Sithong stood trial for “creating disorder” by holding church services without permission. And on April 2021, he was convicted and sentenced to one year’s imprisonment and fined. Since he was detained for more than a year, he was deemed to have served his sentence and subsequently released.

We praise God for Pastor Sithong’s release and we wish to thank everyone who prayed for him.

Pray for his complete healing, both physical and emotional, as he reintegrates into his community. Pray that God will bless him and his family abundantly for standing firm and persevering in his faith in Christ.

Pray that God will also bless pastor Sithong’s church and ministry, cause it to flourish and bring many into the Kingdom of God.


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

#persecuted Church

Pakistan – Christian Man Tortured into False Confession

In February, 2 Christian friends, Haroon and Salamat, were arrested for reading the Bible out loud at a public park in Lahore, Pakistan, and then offering a Christian book to a Pakistani man. Haroon and his family managed to escape but Salamat was arrested. Read more about this case here :

During the 2 months of imprisonment, Salamat says he was tortured mentally and physically and he faced repeated death threats. And as a result of the severity of the torture, he succumbed to the coercion and confessed to the false charges and allegations against him. He was subsequently pressured to disclose the names of the other Christians in his Bible study circle and the whereabouts of his friend, Haroon.

Pray that the Lord fortify Salamat’s spirit and enable him to endure the suffering and challenges he is now facing. Pray that his lawyers will successfully secure bail for Salamat and he will be released and reunited with his family soon. Pray that all charges against him and Haroon will be dropped.

Pray for protection and safety for Haroon and his family. Pray that God will cover them with His feathers and shelter them with His wings, and His faithful promises will be their armour and protection (Psalm 91:4).

Pray that both Christian man and their families will experience a deeper relationship with our Lord Jesus as they lean on Him for strength and support.


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

#persecuted Church

Pakistan – Christian Teen Faces Death Threats

Christian teen, Nabeel, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for liking and sharing a Facebook page that was deemed disrespectful. He was released on bail on 18th March because of a lack of evidence.

Whilst waiting for the paperwork to be completed for his full acquittal, Nabeel has been taken into hiding for his safety from those who are demanding his death.

Pray that the courts will act quickly and justly, providing a full acquittal for this Christian teen. Pray that God will provide Nabeel and his family the courage, peace and safety measures needed to protect them from harm and harassment.

Pray that the character of Christ will be demonstrated through the life of this young Christian man. Pray that he will be a powerful witness and testimony to all those around him leading many to respond in faith to Christ.

Click on this link : to read more about this case.


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

#persecuted Church

Pray for Church in China that was Plundered in a Raid

On 27th March, the Yanjiao Abundance Church in Hebei had its doors forcibly pried open and the building searched.  Audio speakers, guitars, communion supplies and other items were confiscated in the raid. All that was left behind were a few pieces of furniture. The church was also ordered to terminate its lease.

Pray for Pastor Yang and the congregation of Yanjiao Abundance Church as they seek the Lord for direction for the future of their church. Pray that they will rest in the knowledge that their Good Shepherd will never leave or abandon them but will walk alongside them during this difficult time.

Pray that the church property will be returned to them and the congregation will be able find alternative ways to gather for worship and to study God’s word. Pray that those who have been persecuting Christians will come to know the Lord.


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

#persecuted Church

Pray for India

The rising number of new COVID-19 infections and death toll has overwhelmed the public health service, hospitals and crematoriums in many parts of India.

The restrictions and lockdown in certain states have caused increased the suffering of the poorest, namely daily paid labourers, who now have no work and no income.

Pray for our brothers and sisters in India. Pray for provision of much-needed resources, medical supplies and finances to help cope with the pandemic.


(Source : ICC, CNA, Photo : Internet)

#persecuted church

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