Pakistan – Christian Teen Faces Death Threats

Christian teen, Nabeel, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for liking and sharing a Facebook page that was deemed disrespectful. He was released on bail on 18th March because of a lack of evidence.

Whilst waiting for the paperwork to be completed for his full acquittal, Nabeel has been taken into hiding for his safety from those who are demanding his death.

Pray that the courts will act quickly and justly, providing a full acquittal for this Christian teen. Pray that God will provide Nabeel and his family the courage, peace and safety measures needed to protect them from harm and harassment.

Pray that the character of Christ will be demonstrated through the life of this young Christian man. Pray that he will be a powerful witness and testimony to all those around him leading many to respond in faith to Christ.

Click on this link : to read more about this case.


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

#persecuted Church

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