Pray for Church in China that was Plundered in a Raid

On 27th March, the Yanjiao Abundance Church in Hebei had its doors forcibly pried open and the building searched.  Audio speakers, guitars, communion supplies and other items were confiscated in the raid. All that was left behind were a few pieces of furniture. The church was also ordered to terminate its lease.

Pray for Pastor Yang and the congregation of Yanjiao Abundance Church as they seek the Lord for direction for the future of their church. Pray that they will rest in the knowledge that their Good Shepherd will never leave or abandon them but will walk alongside them during this difficult time.

Pray that the church property will be returned to them and the congregation will be able find alternative ways to gather for worship and to study God’s word. Pray that those who have been persecuting Christians will come to know the Lord.


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

#persecuted Church

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