Destroyed House Church Now Larger Than Before

In February 2019, a house church in Boke, a northern province of Laos, was destroyed by authorities.

A year after the destruction, so many people in that province received salvation that the church does not have room for all of them. The church is currently adding an extension to their existing building to make it larger to accommodate all the new believers.

Praise God! Indeed, Christ cannot be limited by a building or by human actions.

Pray for successful completion of the church extension building. Pray that many more Laotian people will have an opportunity to hear the Gospel message and receive salvation.


(Source & Photo Credits : VOM)

#persecuted church

Jesus is Healer and Saviour

Laxmi, a young Nepali woman suffered a long illness.  She was healed, after being prayed for by members of a local church, and received salvation in Christ in 2017.

She continued to attend church even after her recovery but her husband told her there is no need to go to church since she is now healed.  Laxmi boldly replied, “Now I know Jesus. He is not just a Healer but a Saviour also.”

When Laxmi repeatedly refused to stop attending church, her husband left her and her 7-year old daughter behind and married another woman. Laxmi is now homeless and unable to pay the rent with no source of income. She hopes to start a tailoring business to sustain the two of them.

Pray that God will gift Laxmi with the skills and materials needed to start her tailoring business. Pray that many customers will seek her tailoring services and she will be able to support herself and her young daughter.

Pray that Laxmi’s daughter will also have a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus and be as committed to Christ as Laxmi is.

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(Photo Credits & Source : VOM)

#persecuted church

Tough new rules implemented on 1 February 2020 drastically limits the autonomy and independence of the church in China

Churches will now need to seek approval for a wide range of activities including staff changes, training, major meetings & activities, overseas communications, overseas donations of about S$20,000 and major building works.

A recent overseas shipment of supplies, to help fight the coronavirus, sent by overseas Christians to the local church was confiscated even though it was designated for local hospitals’ usage.

Despite the persecution, Chinese Christians have been risking their lives to share the Gospel message of peace and hope to the community and distributing face masks to passers-by in the streets. Brother Jia Xuewei & sister Shu Qiong from Early Rain Church opened their home to host and board people fleeing from Hubei province.

Pray that Christians will be supernaturally protected from the coronavirus as they serve the community. Pray that many will come to salvation in Christ whenever the Gospel message is shared.


(Source & Photo Credits : RI, ICC)

#persecuted church


The late JJ’s children are waiting in anticipation for approval of their appeal for immigration visas to UK to be reunited with relatives. The UK Home Office is due to give their response by 5 February 2020.

The children have spent their 2nd Christmas away from loved ones since JJ passed away on 2 January 2018. They observed the 2nd death anniversary of their father while staying with strangers.

On 6 January 2020, the oldest of JJ’s children turned 13. She celebrated her 3rd birthday whilst the other 2 siblings had 2 birthdays without their father. It has been emotionally wrecking for them.

Please pray that the UK Home Office will approve the children’s application for visas to UK.

Pray that the grace of God will strengthen the children during these trying times. Pray that God will protect these precious young ones.


#persecuted Church

Pastor crippled by brutal attack and jailed on false charges

A huge mob of extremists surrounded Pastor Jai’s house church in Bichpari Haryana state before dragging him and house owner, Naresh, outside and attacking them.

Pastor Jai was unable to walk after extremists took turns to beat him.

Hours after the attack, Pastor Jai was handed over to the authorities and formally charged with offering people money to convert, along with several other Christians.

Naresh was evicted from his business premises and socially ostracised. According to local Christians, extremist attacks in this part of Haryana are happening in response to church growth.

Pray for healing and justice for Pastor Jai, Naresh and the Christians who were falsely accused.

Pray that believers will not cower in fear but will remain resolute in their love for the Lord and in their labour for the Kingdom of God.

Pray also that God will provide for all the needs of Pastor Jai and his congregation and the needs of the Church.


Please share this prayer request.
(Source & Photo Credits : RI)

#persecuted church

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