Christians and churches in tribal areas in South-Central Vietnam are facing increasing difficulties in practising their faith

Front-line workers in these regions reported that Bibles, furniture and several motorbikes were taken away during Sunday worship. The believers in this church were told to leave & the church doors were sealed shut.

In another church, the walls and roof of the church were removed & believers forbidden to meet for worship.

In a bigger church, with over 100 members, 52 chairs, a musical instrument and 2 amplifiers were removed. The pastor here was also beaten up and a cross on the wall and a banner with the words “Glorify God” was removed.

Pray that nothing will stop believers from worshipping God. Pray that they will be blessed with a phenomenal experience of God even when only 2 or 3 are gathered together (Matthew 18:20) in His Name.

Please share this prayer request.


Source & Photo Credits : VOM

#persecuted church

Women imprisoned for collecting offerings

Pastor Hao Zhi Wei and 2 other women from a house church in Hubei province, China, were recently arrested for collecting offerings for their church. All 3 women are currently held without parole.

The church in the city of Ezhou has been ministering to the community for the past 18 years and Pastor Hao is a widow raising 2 children on her own.

Pray that charges against the 3 women will be dropped. Pray that they will be released and reunited with their families.

Pray that God will comfort and minister to Pastor Hao’s children in their mother’s absence. Pray that the church will remain united and strong in their faith in Christ; give them courage to continue reaching out with the Gospel of Christ.


Photo Credit & Source : VOMC

#persecuted church

Harassment continues for Early Rain Church members

It’s been more than a year since several pastors and about 100 members of Early Rain Church were first arrested and the church shut down.

Since then, Senior Pastor Wang Yi was sentenced to 9 years jail, his wife and child put under house arrest and Elder Qin De Fu sentenced to 4 years imprisonment.

However, the harassment and threats continue for other members of the church. Four adopted children of church members, Pei Wenju & Jing Jianan were forcefully removed & placed in other homes instead.

Lord we pray for strength and courage for these precious brothers and sisters, that they will be able to withstand the intense persecution and still remain strong in their faith in Christ.


Photo Credits : VOM USA

#persecuted Church

Mother of five told to stop going to church or leave the house

Mrs. Khoun came to faith in Christ last year but her husband opposes her Christian faith. He started harassing and beating her and recently gave her an ultimatum to either stop going to church or leave the house. She chose to keep her faith and left her home, taking two of their five children with her. Her husband is now fighting to get the children back.

Pray for Mrs Khoun’s husband. Pray that God will remove his heart of stone and give him a heart of flesh that will embrace Christ and receive salvation. Pray that Mrs Khoun will not have to be separated from her children.

(Source : VOM)

#persecuted church

Valued Christian employee loses job because he refuses to leave his Christian faith

Asif was a valued supervisor in a garment factory who used to lead his co-workers in prayer before work each morning. The factory owner tried to stop the prayers and even brought in a religious leader of another faith to try and persuade Asif to abandon his Christian faith.

Asif refused to give in even when the factory owner threatened to fire him. He was eventually fired and is currently in hiding after receiving death threats.

Pray for the safety of Asif and his family. Pray that he will be able to find another job soon and all his needs will be provided for. Pray also that whenever Asif shares the gospel, many will receive salvation.

(Source & Photo Credits : VOM)

#persecuted church

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