Indonesia – Crowd Attempts To Stop Construction of Church Building

Saint Joseph Church, in Pangkal Pinang on Bangka Island’s east coast, received approval in October 2019 for construction of a new church building.

The old building was demolished and construction work for the new building commenced. But in Feb 2020, a crowd of protestors gathered to stop the construction and  sued to have the building permit revoked.

Pray that there will be a peaceful resolution of the situation and that the church will be able to complete construction of the new building.

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(Source & Photo Credits : VOM)

#persecuted Church

India – Church Elder Beaten and Run Over By Motorcycles

Isaac Paulose, 48, was beaten by extremists armed with bamboo rods and a thick metal chain with a heavy lock on it and then run over by several motorcycles, causing multiple fractures and injuries.

Pastor Isaac, an elder at Grace Fellowship Church, Sehore, was attacked shortly after dropping his 5-year-old son off at school that morning. His attackers accused him of ‘converting’ people to Christianity. They taunted and ridiculed him and threatened to kill him if he continued his ministry. Pastor Isaac’s wife who was initially shaken by the attack has since found peace and strength from the Lord.

Pray for complete healing for Pastor Isaac and that God will provide the finances needed for all the medical treatments he would require.

Pray that Pastor Isaac and his family will continue to experience God’s peace which surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7).  Pray that his ministry in this region will continue to grow and many more will receive salvation.

Pray that even the perpetrators and those persecuting Christians will have an encounter with the Lord and an opportunity to turn in faith to Him.


(Source & Photo Credit : Morningstar News/VOM)

#persecuted Church

Pastor Not Allowed To Leave Wa State

Rev Ai, arrested in 2018 together with other Christian leaders, has since been released but the situation remains difficult for Christians in the region. They are not allowed to meet for fellowship or pray before meals. Pastors are strictly prohibited from leading church activities. Pastor Ai and his family are also barred from leaving the region.

Pray for divine protection for Rev Ai and his family whilst they remain where they are. Pray that they will continue to put their trust in a sovereign God who will never leave or forsake them.

Pray for wisdom to discern God’s will in this situation and that they will submit to and obey the Lord’s guidance.

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(Source & Photo Credits : VOM)

#persecuted Church

Community Warns Against Following Foreign Religion

Ishika received healing from a longstanding illness when a church shared the gospel with her and prayed for her.  She then started attending church and placed her faith in Jesus Christ.

Her neighbours, however, began to notice a change in Ishika and pressured her husband to stop her from following a “foreign religion”.  He responded by drinking heavily, and last year he left Ishika and their three children. He told her that he will not be back until she renounced her faith in Christ.

Ishika and her children have not heard from him in more than six months. She can no longer afford to pay the children’s school fees and they have had to stop school.

Pray that God will supply all their needs and that the children will be able to go back to school. Pray that Ishika and her children will follow the Lord and trust Him for all things.

Pray that Ishika’s husband will come to know Christ.

Do share this prayer request.


Source & Photo Credits : VOM USA)

#persecuted Church

India – Church Demolished and Members Arrested

Authorities, under pressure from religious extremists, ordered the destruction of a church in Karnataka State, India, in March this year.

The church was demolished and the pastor and a number of church members were arrested for alleged document discrepancies. The pastor is refuting these allegations, stating that all necessary building permits were in place.

Lord we pray that this matter will be resolved quickly and peacefully. We pray that no formal charges will be filed against these 11 Christians and they will be released soon.

We pray that these believers and their respective families will not fear but will continue to trust that their sovereign God is in control of the situation. We also pray that God will provide the finances and alternative premises for the congregation to meet for worship.

Please feel free to share this prayer request.


(Source & Photo Credit : VOMC)

#persecuted Church

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