COVID-19 and the Persecuted Church

As the world struggles with the COVID-19 pandemic, the burden is far greater for those who are downtrodden and oppressed.

In an attempt to stem the spread of COVID-19 in India, residents have been ordered to return to their home villages. This has left most of them without food or shelter, and many of India’s Christians are among the poorest segments of the population and they may face further rejection because of their faith.

Christians in refugee camps around the world are also experiencing similar problems. They are frequently neglected when humanitarian aid is being distributed.

In Pakistan, organisations have been providing food aid to those hard hit by the lockdown. On more than one occasion, Christians have been denied food aid when their identification papers show they are Christians.

Please pray for healing for those who are suffering from this disease. Pray for those who have lost loved ones as a result of this infection. Pray that they will be comforted by the Lord and that they will find the strength to carry on.

Pray for those who have been denied humanitarian or medical aid because of their faith in Christ. Pray that God will supply the funds and resources for humanitarian or Christian organisations to provide for and assist believers who have been neglected.

Do share this prayer request.


(Source & Picture : VOM)

#persecuted church

Iran – Two Prisoners of Faith Released

To stop the spread of COVID-19 within the country’s prisons, thousands of prisoners, except for the many Christians who were imprisoned for their faith, were released in mid-March this year.

However, 2 Christians have recently regained their freedom.

Rokhsareh (Mahrokh) Ghanbari was, in October 2019, sentenced to 1 year in prison for alleged ‘propaganda against the system’.  She was granted temporary release on 2nd March but on 2nd April, she was informed that she no longer need to return to prison.

In March 2019, Amin Khaki was sentenced to 14 months in prison for alleged ‘propaganda against the regime’. He was also temporarily released on 2nd March due to COVID-19 concerns and on 6th April , he was notified that he would not have to return to prison.

We praise God for the release of these 2 believers.

We pray for their protection as they readjust to life outside of prison and as they continue with their ministries in the midst of these unprecedented times.

We pray that many people in Iran will be able to hear the gospel message preached online and find hope and confidence in our risen Saviour.


(Source & Photo Credits : VOMC)

#persecuted Church

Morocco – New Christian Denied Child Support

When Latifa came to know Christ, her husband vehemently opposed her new faith and gave her an ultimatum, to either give up her new found faith or he will divorce her.

Latifa chose her faith in Christ and her husband divorced her. During the divorce proceedings, she is not given any child support because of her Christian faith.  She is now the sole provider for her 3 children.

Pray that Latifa will be able to find work in order to provide for herself and her children.  Pray that she will be able to find emotional support from the Church.

Pray that she will remain strong in her faith in Christ and that her children and ex-husband will also come to know Christ.

Please feel free to share this prayer request.


(Source & Photo Credit : VOM)

# persecuted Church

Deacon Jang remains in North Korean Prison

Zhang Wen Shi, also known as Deacon Jang, is an ethnically Korean Christian who lived and ministered in Changbai, China, a town located on China’s border with North Korea.

When North Koreans visited Changbai to conduct business, purchase items or seek medicine or other help, Deacon Jang often provided them with warm clothing, food and supplies for their return to North Korea. He also shared the gospel with those who were willing to listen.

In November 2014, Deacon Jang was abducted in China and taken to North Korea. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison. Since his imprisonment, several former prisoners have reported seeing or hearing about him.

Please pray for his release. Pray also for his health. Pray that fellow prisoners and guards will encounter the Lord and come to faith in Christ through the living testimony of Deacon Jang.

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(Source & Photo Credit : VOM)

#persecuted Church

Tajikistan – Churches Fined for Bible Translation

Four different churches in Tajikistan received huge fines for planning to create a new Tajik translation of the Bible after receiving feedback that the current available translations in the local language uses archaic words and sometimes the translation is unclear. They were fined between $1,000 and $1,500 CAD, amounts equivalent to the combined monthly average salaries of 5 to 8 Tajik labourers.

Pray that God will provide more than enough finances and resources for these churches to pay the fines, continue their ministry and proceed with the translation so that many more locals will be able to read and understand the Word of God.

Pray that church leaders will be anointed with wisdom to overcome the many challenges imposed on them. May they be empowered by the Holy Spirit to be His witnesses in the community. May the gospel message convict many of their sin, leading them to repentance and salvation in Christ.

Please share this prayer request.


(Source & Photo Credit : VOM)

#persecuted Church

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