Monthly archive for March 2023

Vietnam – Christian Woman Slain By Her Husband

Nga, a 42-year-old Vietnamese woman, turned to faith in Christ after hearing the gospel message from missionaries who visited her village. She was the first in her village to respond to the message of salvation. But her husband, Vu, did not believe.

Local villagers and Vu tried to convince Nga to renounce her faith. Even when authorities threatened to cut the family off from any future government aid, Nga stood firm in her faith. Angered by her refusal to renounce Christ, Vu beat his wife so severely that she had to be admitted to the hospital. Nga subsequently died of her injuries but Vu was not charged with his wife’s death.

After the incident, Vu fled the area, leaving behind the couple’s 4 children who are between the ages of 8 to 14 years old. He later sent word that his children may be taken to a government-run orphanage.

Fortunately, a Christian worker affiliated with The Voice of the Martyrs offered to adopt the two youngest children and is helping to look for a suitable home for the other 2 children.

Pray that the Lord will send people to minister comfort and emotional healing to these hurting children as they grieve for the loss of their mother and at the same time grapple with the abandonment from their father. Pray that God will provide for all their needs and settle them in good homes. Pray that they too will come to faith in Christ.

Pray that the gospel message will continue to spread and touch many lives in Nga’s village. Pray that individuals and families will be made whole and transformed by the power of God’s Word.


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

#Persecuted Church

Nepal – Pray for Gomar

Gomar Kunwar was very sick but medical doctors and witch doctors alike were baffled by the illness and could not heal her. However, Christians in her village prayed for her and God healed her. So, Gomar started going to church out of gratitude for her healing.  Her husband tried to dissuade her from attending church.

In the spring of 2022, Gomar accepted Christ and was baptized. Then Gomar’s husband began to treat her cruelly. He abused her physically and verbally, and even destroyed the Bibles she received from the church.

One time, he beat her with a stick and then poured gasoline over her body with the intention of burning her alive. Fortunately for Gomar, she was able to escape before he lit the fire. On another occasion, when Gomar refused to put on a religious symbol for a festival her husband was celebrating, he tried to attack her with a sickle. Again, she had to run for safety.

Now, her husband is barring her attendance at church, keeping her from meeting Christians and monitoring all her communications.

Please pray for protection, strength and perseverance for Gomar as she endures the persecution from a family member. Pray that she will not be tempted to renounce her faith but will remain strong. Pray that God will soften the heart of her husband and he will receive salvation.


(Source & Photo : VOM)

#Persecuted Church

China – Imprisoned Pastor Highly Respected

In August 2022, Pastor Geng was sentenced to 15 months’ imprisonment for allegedly “organizing illegal gatherings”.

During his imprisonment, Pastor Geng experienced health problems and his family was not allowed to visit him. However, it has been reported that both fellow inmates and prison guards are treating Pastor Geng with respect.

Whilst other inmates are required to work the night shift, Pastor Geng was exempted from the night shift. And in prison, Pastor Geng is revered and addressed as “Pastor”, and frequently approached for discussion and advice.

Pray for healing and strength for Pastor Geng as he continues to faithfully endure this time of incarceration. Pray that there will be many opportunities for Pastor Geng to minister and share the gospel to fellow inmates and prison guards. Pray that many will believe, repent and receive salvation.

Pray for Pastor Geng’s family and church members – that they will be able to rest in the assurance of God’s abiding presence with them as they await his release soon.


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

#Persecuted Church

India – Christians Denied Humanitarian Aid Rations

About ten families living in Bara Chomri Village, Madhya Pradesh, were denied government rations because of their faith in Christ. On 26th January, these families were summoned to a village gathering where they were pressured to renounce their Christian faith failing which they would be denied provisions that are being given to the poor.

The families came to faith in Christ four years ago and have faced harassment and abuse ever since. About eight months ago, a visiting pastor was leading a worship service when believers were attacked by a group of thugs. The pastor was taken into custody and questioned but eventually released with a warning never to enter that village again.

Pray for these ten impoverished families – that God will provide for and meet all their practical and emotional needs (Phil 4:19). Pray that they will find peace and comfort in the Lord and continue to trust in Him.


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

#Persecuted Church

New Project – Philippines (Sponsor a Child)

A group of children and youths are in desperate need of help.

They live in the South Western part of the Philippines where religious freedom is seriously threatened. Their families are too poor to pay for basic necessities, school fees and transport for these children.

Find out more about this project on pages 8 to 11 of the Mar-Apr 2023 issue of our Stand! magazine.

To help them, you can consider sponsoring one or more children with a gift of only S$280 per child. Contact us for more details.


(Photo : Internet)

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