Persecuted Watch

China – Pray for Zhao Weikai and His Family

Zhao Weikai, leader of the Xuncheng (Zion) Reformed Church, was arrested in July 2021 after authorities raided his home and discovered video documentaries on the 1989 Tiananmen Square protest and the 2009 Xinjiang protests.

On 30th December, Zhao’s wife, Li, was informed that Zhao has been convicted of “illegally holding materials promoting terrorism and extremism” and sentenced to 2 years in prison and has to also pay a fine. Li was not allowed to attend her husband’s trial, which was held on 15th December.

Zhao suffers from liver disease and there are concerns about his health as he begins to serve his prison sentence.

Pray that for healing and improvement in  Zhao’s medical condition. Pray that God will strengthen and sustain him during his imprisonment. Pray that Zhao will continue to shine for Jesus and many fellow inmates and prison guards will have the opportunity to hear the gospel and receive salvation.

Pray that Zhao’s family will receive God’s comfort, provision and peace during this time of separation. Pray for his early release.


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

#Persecuted Church

India – Ministry Leaders Appeal for the Release of 30 Pastors

A group of pastors in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh is appealing for the release of 30 fellow pastors who are being detained in prisons around the state. According to Pastor Jitendra, General Secretary of the Pastors’ Association of Uttar Pradesh, all of the detained church leaders have been falsely charged under a recently enacted  anti-conversion law.

The association has also called on the police commissioner of Kanpur city to protect pastors and churches from harassment. And the commissioner has assured them that he would take note of their grievances.

Pray that there will be greater protection of the rights of Christians in India. Pray that the anti-conversion law will not be abused by certain individuals to settle personal vendetta.

Pray that God will open up many opportunities for these imprisoned pastors to share the eternal hope of the Gospel with fellow prisoners and prison officials and many will receive salvation and be added to the Lamb’s Book of Life (Rev 21:27, Rev 20:15).

Pray that these imprisoned pastors will be vindicated and released soon.


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

#Persecuted Church

When Faith is Forbidden

Mr Xi said, “Persecution is like fire. I would use the word like purify. If we want pure gold, we have to let it go through fire.” 

He said that Christianity has become “cool” among Chinese people who thought of it as a Western religion and thought all parts of Western culture were popular or cool.

“The blessing [of persecution] for the church is that when we are facing the difficulties, the serious believers will stay. So, it doesn’t matter what happens.”

Persecution leaves the church full of believers serious about their faith – serious enough that threats of arrest or physical pain can’t keep them from meeting. Those who are there only because it’s “cool” quickly fall away. Churches full of pure, refined gold tend to be UNSTOPPABLE.”

This is an excerpt from an incredible book When Faith Is Forbidden by Todd Nettleton. Every single story featured in this book is awe-inspiring and amazing. The reflections and suggested prayers at the end of each story will help you, not only to understand the realities of living under persecution, but to learn from these courageous believers living on the frontlines of faith.

If you are interested to purchase a copy of the book, email us at [email protected] for more information.


#Persecuted Church

Sri Lanka – Church Continues to Bless Persecutor

In 2000, Ayesha started sharing the gospel in an unreached area of Sri Lanka. Soon 25 to 30 people gathered regularly with her, so she and her husband, Anura, planted two churches in these areas.

Ayesha and her husband have suffered much persecution because of their faith. Villagers threw stones at their house during the night, some of which would crash onto their beds or tables. As a result, Ayesha and her family had to sleep under their beds and her children slept with helmets on.

During the pandemic and later when the area experienced severe flooding, Ayesha continued to serve the community in Jesus’ name by opening the church as a shelter for displaced people, including those who had thrown stones at her house.

Although the churches that Ayesha and Anura are leading continue to face persecution, they faithfully continue to meet for worship and ministry.

Pray that God will bless Ayesha and her family as they continue to serve the Lord faithfully. Pray that those who have been persecuting them will be drawn to God through the love of Jesus in Ayesha and Anura. Pray that many more villagers will believe in the Lord and receive salvation.


(Source & Photo : VOM)

#Persecuted Church

Laos – New Believers Persecuted for Choosing “Foreign Religion”

Two Laotian men, Linh and Keon, heard the gospel from Christians in their respective villages. They attended a worship service and prayed with the pastor to accept Christ as Lord.

While they were still praying, police officers arrived at the house they were in and took the pastor to the police station. The pastor was chastised for teaching a foreign religion and warned to stop. Two days later, Linh was questioned about his decision to follow Christ and threatened with imprisonment if he does not renounce his Christian beliefs.

Pray that Linh and Keon will remain firm in their new-found faith. Pray that they will grow in their faith and maturity in Christ. Pray that those who are opposed to the gospel will encounter the Lord and receive salvation.


(Source & photo : VOM)

#Persecuted Church

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