Persecuted Watch

Israel – God at Work Amid the Horror of War

According to front-line workers, God is moving in Israel, including Gaza and the West Bank, amid the conflict raging throughout the region.

One Christian leader said, “Please pray for believers inside of Gaza. As the conflict intensifies and the possibility of death increases, there is a growing intentionality to share the gospel with friends and families. We have heard testimonies that those living in shelters because their homes were damaged, have been sharing Christ boldly. There seems to be an openness.”

Another ministry worker reported that an Israeli soldier gave his life to the Lord and was baptized shortly before being called to active military service.

There have also been reports of Christians from a Jewish background meeting with Christian Arabs and Palestinians. “These days, we must be a people of hope in the midst of so much hopelessness. And hope is only a wish if it is not hope in Christ,” a front-line worker said.

Pray for the protection of civilians and front-line workers residing in and near the conflict zone. Pray that believers will take every opportunity to share the gospel and many people will respond and come to faith in Christ


(Source & Photo: VOM)

#Persecuted Church

Pray for Nigeria

On 11th November, Pastor David was kidnapped from his farm in the Obajana area of Kogi State. Church members negotiated with his kidnappers and raised a reduced ransom of one million naira. Sadly, the transaction to pay the ransom in exchange for Pastor David’s release was abruptly ended when armed men called the pastor to come back. As the pastor turned to walk towards them, they shot and killed him.

In another case, Pastor Joshua was killed and his wife kidnapped when their home in Damakasuwa  in Kaduna State was raided on the night of 17th November.

Pastor Joshua had always encouraged his congregation to preach the gospel with courage and without reservation. He said, “The message of the gospel is for Jesus, so don’t fail to preach it because of fear. Preach it, whether they like it or not.”

Pray that God will minister to the grieving families and congregation members of the two recently slain pastors. Pray for the release of Pastor Joshua’s wife.

Pray for other persecuted Nigerian believers that they will be empowered to persevere in their faith and seize every opportunity to share the gospel message with those in need around them.


(Source & Photo: VOM)

#Persecuted Church

Vietnam – Christian Father Beaten By His Son

In July this year, Huu Dat (name changed for security reasons) decided to leave behind a tradition of tribal ancestor worship and chose to follow Jesus.  His wife and 4 of his 6 children also received salvation in Christ.

However, Huu’s eldest son became extremely angry when he found out about his family decision to follow Christ. He views this as a betrayal of the family’s ancestral legacy and the beliefs of their tribal group. This son demanded his family to renounce their allegiance to Christ and return to their tribal religion but the family refused.

After various failed attempts to convince his family to recant their belief in Jesus, the eldest son physically attacked his father in late October, repeatedly striking him with a wooden rod. The beating left Huu with broken ribs, a deep wound on his face and bone fractures in other parts of his body.

Pray for a speedy and complete recovery for Huu. Pray that the Lord will provide the finances needed for his treatment. Pray that these believers will continue to persevere and remain steadfast in their faith. Pray that the Lord will touch the heart of Huu’s eldest son – that he will respond to the ministry of the Holy Spirit and come to faith in Christ.


(Story & Photo: VOMC)

#Persecuted Church

Malaysia – Court Investigates Disappearance of Pastor Raymond Koh

On 13th February 2017, a group of men on motorbikes and in SUVs abducted Pastor Raymond Koh in broad daylight.

His wife, Susanna, and their children have not heard from him since then although she continued to seek information from the police and Malaysia’s justice system.

She filed a legal case requesting new inquiries into her husband’s disappearance, which she believes was connected to a 2011 confrontation with the police.

The judge hearing the case visited the scene of the abduction on the 6th and 7th of November to learn more about the situation.

Pray this investigation will reveal the truth of what happened on that fateful day. Pray that justice will be done for Pastor Raymond Koh and that developments will bring fresh encouragement to Susanna and the Koh family.


(Source & Photo: VOM)

#Persecuted Church

Nepal – Please pray for Bindu and her 3 children

Five years ago, Bindu and her three children put their faith in Christ. They were the first to become Christians in their village.

Bindu’s husband, Hari, who does not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, actively tried to stop his wife and children from going to church.

On Christmas day in 2021, while Bindu and her children were preparing to attend a Christmas celebration, Hari beat them up and chased them out of the home. The beating resulted in one of his daughters losing consciousness.

Despite the abuse they suffered, Bindu and her children returned home and the persecution continued. Eventually, Hari left the village after trying many times to open a case to divorce Bindu.

Since then Hari has been out of contact and did not support his family financially. However, Bindu and her children continue to attend church and share their faith boldly.

Pray that the Lord will provide for Bindu and her children. Pray that they will grow in their faith and many more villagers from their village will come to know and believe in this great and almighty God.


(Source & Photo: VOM)

#Persecuted Church

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