Monthly archive for November 2020

Pray for healing for Pastor Aikhun

Pastor Aikhun and about 120 pastors and Christians in Northeastern Myanmar were arrested in 2018.

In prison, Pastor Aikhun spent most of his time with a metal chain attached to his ankle, causing long-term bone damage and pain. He also contracted a skin disease. Upon his release, his skin ailment cleared up after receiving treatment. However, he continues to experience excruciating pain in his leg as doctors were unable to provide any effective treatment. Recently, Pastor Aikhun was elected principal of a Bible college and is eager to take on his new responsibilities.

Pray for healing for Pastor Aikhun’s leg so that he may continue serving the Lord.

Pray that God will anoint him with divine wisdom to lead the Bible college to effectively equip many saints in the Lord for ministry and bring glory to God. Pray that as Pastor Aikhun obeys the Lord’s call in his life, both he and his family will be greatly blessed.   


(Source & Photo Credit : VOM)

#persecuted church

Pray for Pastor Zaki

Christian leaders in Syria are struggling to operate fully after years of trying circumstances and constant instability.

War, economic struggles, and now coronavirus all contribute to a constant influx of displaced peoples in need. The church staff who have been serving the displaced, including Pastor Zaki in Damascus, are exhausted. It is a constant battle to discern who to trust and who to help. However, Pastor Zaki reports that though things are hard, there is an unprecedented openness and acceptance to the gospel from locals in Syria.

Pray that those who are serving tirelessly will receive renewed strength. Pray that as they wait upon the Lord, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:31).

Pray that Pastor Zaki and his ministry team will be anointed with great wisdom and discernment as they minister and many in Syria will receive the truths of the gospel and come to salvation in Christ.


(Source & Photo Credit : VOM)

#persecuted church

Laos – Christians Forced Out of Their Homes for Refusing to Renounce Christ

On October 10th, seven Christians from two different families were chased out of their own homes for refusing to renounce their faith in Christ.

These Christians, from the village of Pasing-Kang, Laos, are forced to live in makeshift huts in the woods. Village leaders have forbidden the relatives of these seven Christians to bring food, clothing or provide any form of assistance to them. The rest of their family members are concerned that they too may also be thrown out of their homes if they provide any help.

Christians represent about two percent of the population in this country. Christianity has commonly been viewed as a North American religion and a tool used to undermine the regime.

Please pray that these precious brothers and sisters in Laos will find peace and comfort in the shelter of the Most High. Pray that they will be greatly blessed as they remain steadfast under trial, knowing that he who has stood the test will receive the crown of list which God has promised to those who love Him (James 1:12).

Pray that God will supply all their needs for both spiritual and physical sustenance. As they seek to please the Lord, pray that God will cause their enemies to make peace with them (Prov 16:7). Pray that their willingness to suffer for Christ will ultimately serve as a testimony so that their unsaved relatives and other villagers of their former community will come to faith in Christ.

(Source & Photo Credit : VOMC)

#persecuted church

Laos – Teenager Kicked Out of His Own Home

When 15-year old Seng’s parents found out about his decision to follow Christ, they sat him down and tried to talk him into renouncing his “foreign faith” or else they would kill him or kick him out of the house.

Although Seng had only accepted Christ a few days earlier, he did not succumb to his parents’ threats and held fast to his faith in Christ. His parents bagged up his belongings and told him to leave the house. They said, “Go stay with those Christian friends of yours. You are not welcome here,” and “Stop this religion at once.” Seng is now staying with friends with assistance from VOM.

Pray that Seng will continue to remain firm in his faith and grow in maturity in Christ.


(Source & Photo Credit : VOM)

#persecuted church

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