Monthly archive for August 2020

Chosen by the Lord

Finding a scrap of paper on the seat of a bus with the words, “The Lord Jesus has chosen you for Him,” piqued 16-year old Adam’s (not his real name) curiosity.  This curiosity was the start of a journey of seeking Jesus.

When his family found Christian books in his room, Adam was beaten, but he would not give up his faith in the Lord. His family members tried to convince him to change his mind, and even sent him to Saudi Arabia, where his father owned a factory. Despite being imprisoned in a small room for 7 years, Adam never gave up his faith in Christ. His family eventually allowed him to return to Egypt and they married him to a cousin.

In Egypt, Adam was able to access Christian media on the internet and his faith grew. However, his family disowned him and removed his rights to inherit his father’s business fortune. Last year, Adam started a small restaurant business to support himself, but his neighbours burned down the restaurant when they found out he was a Christian.

Pray for Adam and his family. Pray that the Lord will recompense them for all that they have suffered and lost because of their faith in him.

Pray that they will be greatly blessed as they persevere on and continue to look to Jesus for comfort and strength.


(Source & Photo Credit : VOM)

#persecuted Church

Church Buildings Confiscated

The land where 2 church buildings in Kazakhstan are built on were confiscated, and the land used for building a new public kindergarten.

In 2001, Grace Presbyterian Church purchased a former college building and spent a considerable amount of money to renovate the property. When the church property was confiscated, the compensation being offered to the church was well below the market value of the property.

Members of Agape Pentecostal Church dreamed of having their own building for years. All official approvals for the building construction had been received. However, just when they began construction of the church building, an order was given to confiscate their land.

Please prayerfully uphold the members and leaders of these two churches as they deal with the legal challenges set before them. Pray that this issue will be resolved without unnecessary duress and that the church members will be able to retain rightful ownership of their property.

Pray that Christians in Kazakhstan will have many opportunities to share the Good News of the Gospel in the community. Pray that many will be enlightened to the truths of the gospel through as believers testify of God’s life-changing power.


(Source & Photo Credit : VOMC)

#persecuted Church

Pray For China

Some state-approved Three-Self Churches have been “voluntarily” converted into cultural centres.

In Jiangsu province, the Flowing Stream Church was accused of “occupying the village’s cultural base” and disbanded in 2019. It has now been converted into the “Yangzai Township Flowing Stream Village Cultural Service Centre”.

A similar fate happened to the Beizhouzhuang Church, which was shut down in October over registration problems. It was reported that church members “voluntarily” donated the facility to the community, turning it into the Beizhouzhuang Cultural Compound. The church has been unable to meet since being closed.

Pray that the Lord will make it possible for these Christians to receive the greatly needed fellowship, teaching and encouragement despite the fact that they do not have a church building to meet in. Pray that they will be able find new and innovative ways to minister to one another and spread the gospel message.

Pray for members of churches who may be facing the uncertainty of potential shutdown. Pray that the Lord will empower them with the spiritual strength to stand firm in their faith in Christ. Pray that they will be filled with the peace and hope contained in God’s infallible Word.


(Source & Photo Credit : VOMC)

#persecuted Church

Pregnant Teen Locked in a Room

In October 2019, 14-year old Huma Younus, a Christian, was kidnapped from her home, forcibly converted to another faith and then married to her kidnapper. Since the abduction, her parents have been seeking to annul the marriage, which by law is forbidden before the age of 18 without parental permission.

According to the lawyer assisting the family, Huma is now pregnant and confined to one room and not permitted to leave.

The brother of Huma’s abductor have threatened the lives of Huma’s family, stating that he would kill anyone who tries to help them. Her abductors have also used every possible way to delay the court proceedings. If the decision is delayed for 3 more years, the case will likely be dismissed when Huma turns 18.

Please pray for Huma’s safety and eventual release. Pray that God will administer emotional, physical and spiritual strength to this teen and her distraught family.

Pray also for the many other young girls in Pakistan who are facing similar situations. Pray that they will reflect the character of Christ in their lives — even while waiting for deliverance from captivity — so their captors will surrender their lives to God and do what is honorable in God’s sight.


(Source & Photo Credit : VOMC)

#persecuted Church

Bearing one another’s burdens

Thirteen families in Vietnam recently had their land, homes and possessions confiscated. They were also subject to forced labour. Thankfully, a local pastor is currently caring for the families.

Out of compassion, some local Christians from another province willingly opened their home to house these thirteen families temporarily. In so doing, they have fulfilled the law of Christ in Galatians 6:2 to help carry one another’s burdens.

Pray for financial provision for the thirteen displaced families and the Christians hosting them. Pray that these thirteen families will be able to adjust well to their current circumstances and that God will provide them with a home of their own soon.

Pray that the children of these families will also follow Jesus as they observe their parents persevere in times of difficulties and still be able to live out the Christian faith with joy and peace.


(Source & Photo Credit : VOM)

#persecuted Church

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