Pray For China

Some state-approved Three-Self Churches have been “voluntarily” converted into cultural centres.

In Jiangsu province, the Flowing Stream Church was accused of “occupying the village’s cultural base” and disbanded in 2019. It has now been converted into the “Yangzai Township Flowing Stream Village Cultural Service Centre”.

A similar fate happened to the Beizhouzhuang Church, which was shut down in October over registration problems. It was reported that church members “voluntarily” donated the facility to the community, turning it into the Beizhouzhuang Cultural Compound. The church has been unable to meet since being closed.

Pray that the Lord will make it possible for these Christians to receive the greatly needed fellowship, teaching and encouragement despite the fact that they do not have a church building to meet in. Pray that they will be able find new and innovative ways to minister to one another and spread the gospel message.

Pray for members of churches who may be facing the uncertainty of potential shutdown. Pray that the Lord will empower them with the spiritual strength to stand firm in their faith in Christ. Pray that they will be filled with the peace and hope contained in God’s infallible Word.


(Source & Photo Credit : VOMC)

#persecuted Church

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