Vietnamese Christian Imprisoned for 2½ years on False Charges Finally Released

Shortly after Sung A Khua and his family became Christians in 2018, they experienced persecution from fellow villagers who tried to prevent him and his family from attending church. When Sung and his family did not accede to the villagers’ demand to renounce their Christian faith, the villagers later destroyed his home and confiscated his properties.

Sung and his family had to live in the forest temporarily. He was caught and charged for illegally logging and destroying the forest because he needed wood to repair his house. After serving a 2½ years sentence, Sung has since been released.

Pray for Sung and his family as they face other challenges after his release from prison. Pray that they will continue to trust the Lord with their future as the Lord has never forsaken those who seek Him (Psalm 9:10).


(Source : ICC, Photo Credit : Internet)

#persecuted church

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