Sri Lanka – Church under Investigation for Conducting Worship Service

The Pentecostal Assembly congregation in Dodangoda, Sri Lanka, is made up of seven families who regularly meet for worship in the home of their pastor.

On 12th February, about seven police officers interrupted a Sunday worship service at the pastor’s home. Officers informed the pastor that they received complaints that the Sunday services were conducted illegally.

The complainants insisted that all Christian services involving other villagers should be discontinued because the village, where the pastor was staying and holding worship services, was not a Christian village. The pastor, who was permitted to only pray with his own family, further confirmed that no one was forced to join in the church meetings, and he is the legal owner of the property.

On another scheduled meeting on 17th February to resolve the matter, about fifty villagers gathered around the pastor’s home demanding an end to all worship activities. They threatened the pastor with negative repercussions if he did not comply. Because of the antagonistic nature of this demonstration, the police had to be called in to disperse the crowd.

Pray that the shalom peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard the hearts and minds of the pastor and congregants of the church in Dodangoda, as well as those in other Sri Lankan Christian communities. Pray that the matter of concern here will be resolved amicably and the church can continue their worship services.

Pray that believers will continue to demonstrate God’s love to fellow villagers, including those who are opposing them, so that many will readily receive God’s wonderful gift of salvation.


(Source : VOMC, Photo : Internet)

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