India – Pressure Increases on Tamil Nadu Churches

The number of reported cases of persecution in Tamil Nadu rose dramatically in the year 2022.

Pastors and evangelists have been beaten, robbed and chased away from villages. Many churches who are conducting worship services in rented properties have been forced to close because certain thugs pressurized property owners to not rent the premises to churches.

Because of this, Christian congregations have been scattered, and many pastors who have dedicated themselves to full-time ministry are struggling to support their families.

Pray that these churches will be able to purchase land where church buildings can be constructed so that they will no longer be dependent on renting space for worship service.

Pray that the pastors of these churches and their respective families, will receive an abundant supply of divine financial provision because all who trust in the Lord will lack no good thing (Ps 34:10).


(Source & Photo : VOM)

#Persecuted Church

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