A Christian woman, Naseem, and her five children, aged between 8 to 22, have been forced into hiding after receiving death threats demanding that she renounce her Christian faith.
To entice the family to renounce their Christian faith, a group of villagers ,who are opposed to the gospel, offered to give Naseem’s husband a house and also promised to pay for the wedding expenses for 4 of their children. Naseem’s husband, who is prepared to accept the villagers’ offer, also started pressurizing her to leave her Christian faith.
Despite these threats, Naseem refused to abandon her faith. She said, “I was born a Christian and will remain a Christian until my last breath,” “And I will make my children stronger Christians and ensure that they marry Christian partners.”
A local church provided Naseem and her children temporary shelter. As a result, the pastor of this church was questioned by those searching for the threatened Christian woman.
Pray for divine protection over Nasssem, her five children, and those who are providing them a place of shelter. Pray that this family will receive the financial, emotional and spiritual support they need during this time of need.
Pray that Naseem’s children will receive the spiritual nurturing they need and raised in the ways of the Lord.
Pray that those who are seeking to harm Naseem will come to see the truth of the Gospel and be willing to turn to faith in Christ.
(Source & Photo : VOMC)
#Persecuted Church