India – Pray for Sita and Her Children Aged 8 and 10

Pastor Biman preached the gospel in five villages near his home. He intended to plant churches. In one village, he tutored children, from poor families, in their studies. And he hoped to lead their parents to Christ.

In February 2022, while ministering to these children, a group of men, opposed to the gospel, surrounded and attacked Pastor Biman. Soon, others in the village joined in the attack and beat the pastor mercilessly until he was badly bruised.

Pastor Biman managed to make his way home after the vicious attack but he experienced severe pain. He died from his injuries the next day. Pastor Biman is survived by his wife, Sita, and their two children aged 8 and 10.

Pray for Sita and their two young children – that they will find comfort from the Lord and emotional support from the church as they grieve for the loss of their beloved husband, father and pastor. Pray that God will strengthen them and provide for their every need. Pray that whatever the children have lost, through the death of their father, God will provide through the Body of Christ.

Pray that God will increase and multiply all the good works that Pastor Biman has done in the name of Jesus. Pray that those who were taught or discipled or blessed by Pastor Biman will grow in faith and spiritual stature, such that they will in turn disciple others and lead others to Christ.


(Source : VOM, Photo : Internet)

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