India – Young Man Stands Firm in his Faith Despite Ongoing Pressure

Twenty-Four year old Ajay, was pressured by his community and the police to renounce his Christian faith.

The police arrested him and brought a false charge against him in an attempt to make him recant his faith. He was jailed for 9 days.

Despite the ongoing pressure, Ajay has persevered in his faith. The pastor of Ajay’s church attends the church occasionally and Ajay leads the service when the pastor is not there.

Ajay knows that he will face difficulties as a follower of Jesus but he has chosen not to forsake Christ.

Pray that the Lord will strengthen Ajay and help him to overcome every challenge. Pray that Ajay will learn to depend more and more on the Lord for wisdom and guidance. Pray that they church will continue to grow and flourish even in an oppressive environment.


(Source & Photo: VOM)

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