Pakistan – Christian Parents Detained and Charged for Being Irreverent

Shaukat Masih and his wife, Kiran, live in Lahore, Pakistan, with their three children aged thirteen, nine and seven.

Shaukat was at work while his wife was at a neighbour’s house when another neighbor spotted pages from a holy book on the street near the Christian couple’s house. Upon investigation, a bag containing more pages from this book was discovered on the rooftop tucked behind a water tank. The neighbour threatened to physically harm the Christian family and also incited others to do the same.

The Christian couple was subsequently detained by the police even though there is no evidence that they committed a deliberate act of desecration. According to Kiran, the bag of paper was given to her by an employer to sell to a scrap vendor.

As no other family members were available to help, the couple’s three school-aged children had to temporarily stay with another Christian family in the area. The eldest suffers from rickets, the nine-year-old is mentally handicapped and the youngest misses her detained parents.

Pray that all charges against Shaukat and Kiran will be dropped. Pray that they will be released early and be reunited with their children. Pray that the Lord will protect and provide for this family. Pray that the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard their hearts and minds in Christ (Phil 4:7).  


(Source & Photo: VOMC)

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