China – Early Rain Covenant Church Faces Violent Raid

Since the Early Rain Covenant Church was raided in 2018, and the church’s lead pastor, Wang Yi, sentenced to 9 years imprisonment, the church continued to meet online or in small groups. However, in January this year, the church decided to resume meetings as a larger group. But each time they met up, they were evicted by the authorities and forced to move to a different venue.

On the morning of 12th March, before the worship service was scheduled to start,  one church leader, Jia, was violently removed from the meeting and beaten. Then after the service began at 9am, the supply of electricity to the room was abruptly shut off. But the service continued. About an hour later, officials stormed the pulpit and shut off the computer that was used for the live broadcast, seized cell phones and pushed some members to the ground.

Despite the mayhem, the choir continued singing quietly the hymn “Near the Cross”. Some of the church’s leaders and members were taken to the police station but later released in the evening.

Pray for Early Rain Covenant Church leaders and members. Pray that they will receive strength, wisdom, guidance and direction as to how they can continue their ministry as a church. Pray that the words, attitudes and actions of church leaders and members will be a powerful testimony that will lead many people to believe in the Lord and receive salvation.

Pray for Pastor Wang Yi’s health and well-being during his imprisonment.


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

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