On 31 August, the Assembly of God church in the central Sri Lankan village of Naula received a letter from the Naula Divisional Secretary, ordering the church to stop their Christian activities. The letter alleged that the Christians’ worship activities were causing “disruption to inter-religious harmony”. The church was also told they did not have permission to hold worship services and if they persisted, legal action would be taken against them.
On 23rd September, the Jesus Calls You Church in Abepradesa, Anuradhapura District, also received a letter from the local municipal council accusing the pastor of conducting unauthorized worship services that were offensive to neighbours in the area. The church was ordered to discontinue all worship services within 14 days, failing which legal action would be commenced against the church.
Pray that church leaders will be endowed with Godly wisdom as they respond to the challenges they are facing. Pray that God will make a way for them to continue their worship services and sharing the Good News with others. Pray that many people will respond to the gospel message and receive salvation in Christ.
(Source & Photo : VOM)
#Persecuted Church