Monthly archive for November 2022

Sri Lanka – Pray for Churches in Sri Lanka

On 31 August, the Assembly of God church in the central Sri Lankan village of Naula received a letter from the Naula Divisional Secretary, ordering the church to stop their Christian activities. The letter alleged that the Christians’ worship activities were causing “disruption to inter-religious harmony”. The church was also told they did not have permission to hold worship services and if they persisted, legal action would be taken against them.

On 23rd September, the Jesus Calls You Church in Abepradesa, Anuradhapura District, also received a letter from the local municipal council accusing the pastor of conducting unauthorized worship services that were offensive to neighbours in the area. The church was ordered to discontinue all worship services within 14 days, failing which legal action would be commenced against the church.

Pray that church leaders will be endowed with Godly wisdom as they respond to the challenges they are facing. Pray that God will make a way for them to continue their worship services and sharing the Good News with others. Pray that many people will respond to the gospel message and receive salvation in Christ.


(Source & Photo : VOM)

#Persecuted Church

Pakistan – Pray for 16-year old Anita

Sixteen year old Anita, was kidnapped, forcefully converted and married to her rickshaw driver, M. Wasim. Wasim was entrusted to send the teenager to school every day and bring her home after class because both of Anita’s parents had to work.

On 31st August 2021, Wasim drove Anita to another town instead of sending her home. There he forced her to sign a document to renounce her Christian faith and consent to be married to Wasim. Thereafter, the teenager was kept in a locked room  and sexually abused and frequently left without any food and water for months. Her concerned parents filed a police report and a complain against Wasim in the hope of finding their missing daughter.

After several months, Anita was able to escape and return to her family’s home. Her parents have filed an application to court to annul the marriage and to commence legal action against her captor and his family. For protection, Anita and her family were forced to move to another community as they await the trial process.

Pray that the courts will bring justice to this young teen’s case and completely free her from any legal claim by her captor. Pray that God will bring healing and restoration to Anita’s wounded and traumatized emotions.

Pray for Anita and her family’s safety and protection and financial provision throughout the trial process. Pray that they will find peace and comfort in the Lord and support from fellow believers in the new community they are living in.


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

#Persecuted Church

India – Pray for Pastor Rajan and his family

Pastor Rajan, an impoverished day laborer with three children, aged 2, 7 and 13, pastors four house churches.

During a church service at his father’s house, villagers and local thugs interrupted the service and beat up Pastor Rajan severely. These thugs also had him arrested. Pastor Rajan was eventually released but because of the beatings, he was unconscious for a day and a half. He also suffered a few fractured ribs and severe bruising over his body.

Pastor Rajan had multiple bleeding in the brain that cannot be repaired surgically. As such, doctors sent him home expecting him to die.

Pray for Pastor Raja and his family, that they will experience a miracle from the Lord. Pray that those who know them, including their persecutors, will acknowledge that God is the One true God and they will believe in Him. Pray that God will provide for his wife and three young during this difficult time.


(Source: VOM, Photo: Internet)

#Persecuted Church

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