Monthly archive for September 2022

Central Asia – Unregistered Churches Face Growing Pressure

In Central Asia, many Christians gather in unregistered house churches because it is difficult to get a church legally registered.

Pastor Abdulla has been leading several house churches, two of which have received a fine in recent months for “illegal religious activities”. And Pastor Abdulla himself may face criminal charges and a possible prison sentence for multiple violations of laws restricting Christian worship.

Pray that believers will be able to continue meeting regularly for worship, teaching and fellowship without the threat of harm or harassment. Pray that these house churches will have neighbours who are kind and understanding enough to allow these believers to practice their faith in peace. Pray that the church in Central Asia will grow in numbers and maturity through the courage and faithful witness of believers. Pray for the safety of Pastor Abdulla and his family as they persevere in their service to the Lord.


(Source & Photo : VOM)

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