Monthly archive for January 2021

Balloon Launches are now Officially Banned

Please pray for Korea and Voice of the Martyrs Korea (“VOMK”).

VOMK has been sending Bibles into North Korea through the use of balloon launches. Since 2005, approximately 600,000 Bibles have been sent into the North. However, the South Korean government recently passed a law making it illegal to send any “anti-North Korean” materials across the border through the use of balloon launches.

While VOMK is the only major organisation supplying religious materials across the border, other organisations are sending politically motivated or culturally based materials. This law, which takes effect in March 2021, punishes violators with a fine or imprisonment of up to 3 years.

Please pray that God will impart greatly needed wisdom and direction to the leadership of VOMK in the coming months, as they navigate how best to reach North Koreans who are desperately in need of hope and help. Pray God will give them new and creative ways to continue their ministry.

Pray that this law will be rescinded or modified to allow VOMK to continue sending God’s Word to those in need. Pray that God will bless their efforts and cause their ministry to flourish in spite of the restrictions.


(Source & Photo Credit : VOMC)

#persecuted Church.

Thirteen Hmong Families Beaten and Kicked Out

Thirteen Hmong families had to move from Northern Vietnam to the Dak Lak province after enduring physical beatings and having their land confiscated. Although Christianity is legal in Vietnam, many in the country see Christians as a threat.

Pray that these families will remain firm in their faith. Pray that they will adjust well in their new environment and they will be accepted by the community.

Pray that they will be living testimonies of God’s faithfulness and providence, and whenever they share the gospel message, many will be touched and receive salvation in Christ. Pray that even those who persecuted them will come to know Christ’s forgiveness and love.


(Source & Photo Credit : VOM)

#persecuted church

Six Believers Evicted from their Village Need our Prayers

Six believers, from the Luang Nam Tha province in Laos, were evicted from their village in July 2020 because of their Christian faith. Armed village leaders and others invaded their homes and demanded that they leave the village. The displaced Christians are waiting for government authorities to hear their case and determine if they can return to their village.

Pray that these believers will remain strong in their faith during this period of waiting and uncertainty. Pray that they will be allowed to return safely to their village and continue their ministry. Pray that many others will be drawn to Christ through the sharing and testimony of these believers.


(Source & Photo Credit : VOM)

#persecuted church

India – Pray for 84 Christians who were Driven Out of their Homes for Refusing to Renounce their Christian Faith

A group of 84 Christians, including women and children, from eastern India were driven out of their own homes for refusing to renounce their faith in Christ.  These Christian families have been followers of Christ for the past 8 – 10 years and they live in 3 villages in the Kondagaon district in Chhattisgarh state.

In late September 2020, a mob of more than 600 people vandalized the Christians’ homes and properties. The mob later cooked and ate the chickens and rice stolen from the believers’ homes after they escaped into the jungle.

“Being a human, I was filled with anger, but I was reminded that Jesus taught us to forgive our enemy.  I know some of the people who were part of the angry crowd, but I prayed and forgave them,” says one of the displaced Christians.

Although these 84 displaced Christians have since been relocated to other villages, please continue pray for their protection and safety.  Pray that their needs will be provided for and that they will be allowed to return to their homes safely.

Pray that their steadfastness will be an encouragement to other believers and their testimonies will bring many to salvation in Christ.


(Source : VOM, Photo Credit : Internet)

#persecuted church

Pastors Go Into Hiding

It has been reported that many house church pastors and evangelists across China are going into hiding as persecution intensifies. They have disconnected from their handphones and computers, and removed the microchips inside their Identity Cards, so that their movements cannot be tracked. Restrictions on the distribution of Bibles and Christian literature have recently been increased and certain Biblical accounts are being re-interpreted, re-written and distorted.

Let us unite our hearts to pray for our beloved brothers and sisters in Christ in China. Pray for strength to persevere and endure through every trial. Pray for wisdom to handle the many challenges as they choose to remain faithful to the Lord.


(Source : CP, Photo Credit : Internet)

#persecuted church

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