Worship Service in the village of Ihala Yakkura, Sri Lanka, was disrupted by a mob of 150 people

The attackers attempted to assault the Pastor and insisted that no “Christian worship” is allowed in the village even though the Pastor was invited there by the villagers.

That evening the Pastor, together with his wife, son and eight others went back to the village. When they tried to leave the area, they found the road blocked. A mob confronted and physically assaulted them and also damaged their vehicles.

Lord, we pray for the physical and emotional healing of the injured. We pray that God will make a way for the Gospel message to be preached in this village and that many lives will be touched and transformed.

We pray that those who are opposing the Gospel will eventually come to saving faith in Christ as they recognise and experience the love and joy of Christ reflected in believers.


(Source : VOMC, Photo Credits : Internet)

#persecuted church

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