Sri Lanka – Church Planters Beaten by Mob for Sharing Their Faith

On 8th June, about 50 adults and children gathered for an event, organized by a group of church planters, where they sang worship songs and the gospel was shared. As the people were leaving the place, a local villager appeared and accused the event organisers of converting people to Christianity.

Later, as the church planters were leaving, men on three-wheelers followed them and cut into their lane, forcing them to stop. A mob then surrounded them and cursed them for converting people to Christianity. About 10 of the men assaulted the church planters.

Today, four families from the village who attended the church planters’ event have  started a house church. And those who were beaten are planning to start additional churches in the village despite the threat of persecution.

Pray for these churches and the safety of all those who attend. Pray that whenever the gospel is preached many will believe and come to faith in Christ.


(Source : VOM, Photo : Internet)

#Persecuted Church

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