Pray for the Church in Exile Facing Possible Repatriation

Chinese believers, consisting of 28 adults and 32 children, from the Shenzhen Holy Reformed Church led by Pastor Pan, fled the country in 2019 after enduring years of persecution.  They sought refuge on Jeju Island in South Korea doing menial labour to support themselves.

These asylum seekers’ application for protection have been repeatedly denied and they may be forced to return to China. Voice of the Martyrs Korea has been training and teaching them how to effectively respond to persecution, including imprisonment, forced disappearances and torture.

Pray that these persecuted brethren, who are seeking asylum, will be granted a safe place to raise their children in the ways of Christ, all the while experiencing His bountiful grace, divine provision, protection and peace.

Pray that the Lord mightily intervene within the hearts and minds of the governing leaders involved, moving them to respond with compassion to the plight facing these believers so that the best decision will be made in their favour.

Pray also for organizations advocating on their behalf, that they will receive wisdom and guidance to support and encourage this church group.


(Source & Photo Credit : VOMC)

#Persecuted Church

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