Pakistan – Parents’ Appeal for Custody Denied

When Imran, his wife and children were going through a financial crisis in April this year, a Christian family in Rawalpindi kindly allowed them to stay in their home. They were only asked to leave when the Christian family witnessed how Imran ill-treated his wife, Adiba.

Shortly after they left, Adiba visited the Christian family and asked their 13-year-old daughter, Zarvia, to accompany her to the market. That evening Zarvia did not return home. She was abducted, forced to renounce her Christian faith and forcibly married to Imran who was already married with 3 children.

A police report was filed and both Imran and Adiba were arrested. During their trial, Zarvia was ordered to say that she had voluntarily renounced her Christian faith and willingly married Imran otherwise her brothers would be killed. Although there was evidence of these threats in the form of a recorded phone call, the court rejected the parents’ plea and granted custody to Imran.

Four months after the abduction, Zarvia’s parents continue to seek justice.

Please uphold Zarvia and her family in your prayers. Pray that God will strengthen and minister peace and comfort to them as they seek legal redress against the injustice done to them.

Pray that her family will receive wisdom, guidance, support and the necessary legal assistance they need in their daughter’s case. Pray that Zarvia will be rescued soon and reunited with her family.”


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

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