Many in Restricted Nations & Hostile Areas are Hungering for the Truth of God’s Word

Shakeel and his family shared a home with a Catholic Christian family. A Christian worker, who visited the Christian family regularly for prayer and encouragement, was introduced to Shakeel’s family. When the Christian worker prayed for Shakeel and his family, they were moved and felt peaceful. So, they requested that the worker continue visiting and teaching them the Word of God. They were given an Urdu Bible, which their teenage son was able to understand and read to them. After some time, Shakeel received salvation and was baptized. The rest of his family has also requested to be baptized.

Pray for Shakeel and his family – that they will continue to grow in their faith and Christlikeness. Pray that as they delight in and meditate on the Word of God, they will be fruitful and will prosper in all that they do (Ps 1: 2-3).

Pray that many more in Pakistan will hunger for the truth of God’s Word and respond in faith to the gospel message.


(Source & Photo : VOM)

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