Korea – Court Ruling Permits Balloon Launches

Since 2005, The Voice of the Martyrs Korea (“VOMK”) has been using large balloons to carry Bibles and Scripture pamphlets into the restricted nation of North Korea. VOMK had enjoyed excellent and mutually respectful relationships with local law enforcement and local communities to ensure that their Bible balloon launches into North Korea are conducted safely, quietly, accurately, lawfully and in environmentally friendly ways.

But in 2020, the South Korean government passed a law criminalizing this activity.

However, on 24th September 2023, South Korea’s Constitutional Court struck down this law, calling it an excessive restriction on free speech. The Supreme Court ruling has also affirmed the approach taken by VOMK as the best approach.

We thank God that this effective method of sharing the Gospel message has once again been made legally possible.

Pray that the seed of God’s Word will yield a bountiful harvest in North Korea. Pray that those who are desperate and in need of hope will find comfort and salvation of the Lord through His Word.


(Story & Photo: VOMC)

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