Indonesia – Official Stops Church Service

On 19th February, members of the Tabernacle of David Christian Church in the village of Rajabasa Jaya were praying together on a Sunday morning when a local chief, Wawan, jumped over a one-metre high fence and stormed into the church.

Chief Wawan took to the pulpit and demanded that the service end. At about the same time, ten other villagers entered the church and joined in Wawan’s demands. Someone grabbed the pastor’s neck and began to choke him. Eventually the congregation was forced to disperse.

Chief Wawan claims that the church does not have a permit to meet and referred the matter to the police even though there are governmental laws guaranteeing the constitutional right to gather for worship.

Pray that the authorities will take the appropriate action against the villagers involved in this incident and ensure that religious freedom is granted to all people. Pray that  God will strengthen and encourage the pastor and members of this church. Pray for wisdom and guidance on how they should respond and continue their ministry.


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

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