India – Three Men Arrested for Sharing the Gospel

Three Indian believers were arrested after sharing the gospel, and interrogated for more than 9 hours. Whilst in custody, the three men decided to fast and pray, and read Scripture together from an app on one of the men’s handphone.

After their arrest and while they were still in custody, one of the wives of the men wrote, “I am feeling at peace knowing God is in control of this situation. I am asking that He would be glorified and the national believers to be encouraged and their faith strengthened. I am starting to feel tired and drained, but still hopeful in Him and all the ways He desires to use this and be glorified.”

The men were eventually released many hours later.

Pray that the Lord will bless and empower these believers such that whenever they share the gospel many will be touched by the Lord, believe and receive salvation. 


(Source & Photo : VOM)

#Persecuted Church

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