India – Christian Teen Succumbs to His Injuries

In August this year, sixteen-year-old Christian teen, Nitish, from Northern India’s Bihar State was attacked with acid causing him to suffer severe burns on much of his body. Click here for more information :

The reason for the attack and the identities of those responsible remain unknown. However, Nitish’s family believes the attack was motivated by the evangelistic work of Nitish and his brother, Sanjeet.  Sanjeet received increasingly alarming messages from those opposed to the Christian ministry in which he and Nitish participated in.

Although Nitish was transferred to the Apollo Burns Hospital in Patna, located about 80 kilometres from his village, doctors could not save him. The young believer succumbed to his injuries and passed away on 26th September.

Pray for Nitish’s family members and friends who are grieving the loss of such a precious young life. Pray that the Lord will intervene on their behalf so that the truth will be revealed and the perpetrators brough to justice.

Pray that the family will find strengthen and comfort as they draw near to God, the Father of compassion and all comfort (2 Cor 1:3).


(Source & Photo : VOMC)

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