Hopeless and Disheartened But God Found Her and Saved Her

Fariba is married to a drug addict and they have a teenage son. They live is a small room in a machine shop and Fariba works long hours as a housecleaner to try to make ends meet.

Desperate and hopeless, Fariba decided to commit suicide because she felt her life was worthless.

After she bought the pills which she planned to use to kill herself, she boarded a bus and sat next to a woman. The woman gave Fariba a book and told her that it was a gift from God to let her know that God loves and cares about her. Moved by the stranger’s kindness, Fariba asked the woman to tell her more. The stranger prayed for her and encouraged her to read the book.

Fariba read the book and found peace in God through it. “I was hopeless and disheartened and I wanted to end my life but God had a plan for me,” she said. “He found me and He saved my life.” Now, she hopes that God will use her to reach others like her.

We thank God for the stranger’s courage and obedience to God in reaching out to Fariba. Pray that God will bless her, protect her and guide her to minister to many others and draw them to Jesus.

Pray also for Fariba, that God will send believers to support and encourage her in her growth in the Lord. Pray that she will grow in faith and maturity and will be used mightily by the Lord to share the gospel with other Iranian women and help them find their identity in Christ.


(Source & Photo : VOM)

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