A Poem Dedicated to the Persecuted Church & Our Supporters

A poem dedicated to the Persecuted Church
and all our faithful supporters
who have been tracking the journey with us..

A single lone track
on a railway road.
Up the ranges and
down the plains.
On and on…
it stretches and spans.
Into a distance too afar
for the eye to see,
for the heart to perceive.

O am I not weary,
saith the solitary track.
Where am I heading –
there seems to be no end.
Day by day, rain or shine,
on and on, hours on end;
I roll into miles so long,
my journey seems no end.

You are on a ROAD
on a ROUTE
saith the track Maker.

He Who knoweth
every twist and turn,
LESSevery up and down,
LESSevery time and season
LESSof THAT lonely track.

Despise not
the hard journey
as it spans the gorge.
Nor frown upon
the harsh terrain
as it sails the storms.
For it’s a raceway to Heaven
on that weathered track.
To the hallways of Heaven,
BLESSED is your name.

A singular purpose –
a singular track,
On a high calling
down a blazing track.
A blessed destiny
awaith His own
Born for such a time
as precarious as this.

At the end of Life’s journey
when the last rail rolls:
Behold your King
alighting from the train.
As all of Heaven holds
its bated breath,
His voice thunders
in sweet whispers:
Well done, my beloved,
thou hath cometh with Me from afar,
My good and faithful servants –
My ‘trusty trodden track’!

By Pat Owyang
Chair, Board of Directors
Goshen International Ministries Limited

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